1: A Normal Day

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Today was a Normal day like no other. Wake up, make food, look for service, check the surroundings, make a plan to escape, then sleep.




I got up to the sound of two kids talking. I normally would be part of the conversation but something felt, off.. 

I decided to go listen in because that's what I'm used for most here. I heard a girl and a boy, the girl saying something about a new plan and the boy saying it was too risky, which everyone knew. 

I decided that everything was good and to go make food for everyone else since nobody except the other two were up. I trudged down to the kitchen to see what we had. 

Rotten eggs and milk, bread, a little moldy cheese, and some jugs of water. I picked up the cheese and took it over to cut off the mold, it wasn't the best method but we have already lost enough kids in the past year, probably over half of us. 

While I was cutting I heard 2 voices come down. I would recognize those voices anywhere. It was Anna B. my best friend and this kid we met named Chris. They were arguing over who Lyz liked more, which I couldn't see the point of, she was a manipulative jerk who made everyone mess up our plan to escape.

"Look here is Elle, Elle who do you think Lyz likes more? Chris or me?" Anna asked, which normally I would say I'm not in the mood or another excuse but today something felt different "Obviously Chris, do you not see how in love she is with him? Jeez you guys said you were smart." Chris and Anna exchanged looks before shrugging. "So Elle, what's on the menu today? Better now me buttered toast again, I hate it," I shook my head at Chris, he was such a baby, and somehow I'm still friends with him. "No it's not, this time its Cheese and Toast, we have ran out of butter again," I look over at him, expecting disappointment. I expectations were met.

Normally I would send someone to the store to get butter but "apparently" its more dangerous out, because we lost 3 kids last time, who were said to be killed, even though we have no proof. Lane told me that they probably went home to their families like we all should do but I don't buy it. Those kids said they died, so something bad might of happened to them. 

I got snapped out of thought when Anna sighed loudly. " Hurry up I'm starvingg. Also please extra cheese, it makes it taste way fucking better," "Language," As I put "extra" cheese on her toast, I got into thought, honestly I can't remember when or why they started cussing, nobody did until like the second week of being stuck here. I guess its the lack of supervision but somehow they got sucked into it, which I never excepted, well we aren't as bad as some people, Lyz cusses like every 3 words.

I handed them their food and went to find an empty table. Anna and Chris exchanged faces before Chris spoke up "Hey, where's your food? You said you were gonna start eating more," I looked back at them and shook my head "You don't need to worry, I'll get myself food in a sec-" "GUYS GET YOUR ASSES UP HERE, AND QUICK," Lane yelled at us, which I jumped at making the other 2 laugh "YOU GUYS STOP LAUGHING AT ELLE AND HURRY UP," I heard Lane walk off and I gave them a stern look "Come on you two, lets see what the council wants,"

Yeah you heard it, we made a council, they were the ones to make me the cook and plan organizer, we chose them because of popularity and high grades, which I only have one of, or did, after being not put on the council they made me the plan organizer to not let my "brain power" go to waste. I honestly don't care but I think its excessive, we are making a whole new civilization at this point. Now that I think about it, that would be kind of cool.

Lane stopped me to thank me like he does every Tuesday. I mean I like him a lot but I think he's feeling to bad at this point. He tries to hang out with me, which I accept but he's now kind of, clingy? I mean its weird but I'm not one to judge.

When we walked into the office we saw President Nicole, who practically everyone voted for (even me). She looked at us and thanked us for coming. "I need a new plan from you guys, this one is not going to work with the amount of student losses," Wow she normally never sounds like this "Yes Ma'am, we will go get ready to do that," Chris informed her. Nicole stopped me while the other two left. "You need to keep this a secret but, you need to be the one to make the plan, not them, you. Those two jackasses around too much which made the plan confusing," "I am so sorry Nicole, I promise to do this without them," She smiles at me "Thank you, and if you do need help ask any one of us, not those two," "I will, I pro-" "How about I help them the whole time?" Lane pipped in. Nicole lit up "That is perfect! Lane you go with Elle!" And then she kicked us out. I frowned at him, I have been studying this stuff for weeks, why did it take me a whole week to be able to even help when he gets let in right away.

"So now what?" I said sarcastically. He shrugged "Lets start Brainstorming," "Lets go then," I grab him by the arm and pull him to an empty class room

-------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                          Thank you for reading! I will try to update every other week. I hope you enjoyed the story and please tell me if anything has a mistake or I should change, I would love to know!                              

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