-Just talking-

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The wind flow through paintbrushe's hair as the ground became larger and larger, they knew this was the end. suddenly everything stopped. It felt like time had slowed down, they felt sick. Once they'd worked up the courage to open their eyes the first thing they saw was the ground, staring back at them, were they actually floating? with a gulp they looked up, a white light wiping around them it just barely held them up.

"H-How are you doing that mephone 3GS?" Mephone questioned he was in just as much shock as everyone else. As they looked up at 3GS a noticeable symbol had appeared at his fingertips. It was the shape of a jewel. Not just any ordinary one though it resembled the shape of a memory gem, one they'd seen before symbolised in many of meeple's products.

"I don't know blue, I'm scared." And just like that the symbol glitched out and the light that once held them had disappeared sending them all falling down further. They hit the ground with a bang everyone in an almost harmony with each other. No one was seriously hurt but it had began to drizzle. They knew that they wouldn't make it back to hotel OJ in time before it began to rain. they frantically looked around themselves to find anywhere they could shelter for the night. As each drop of water hit a mephone their screen would sizzle and glitch. This wasn't good.

Suddenly 3G pointed out a cave, it looked small but it would provide shelter until the rain passed. They made a break for it sprinting as fast as their legs would carry them, like the cave would just disappear from existence any moment. They slipped through the entrance. The cave was beautifully lighted by many multicoloured crystals which were lining the cave walls from top to bottom. They were mesmerising and quickly caught the attention of most of the group. They each bathed in their own light, their glossy surfaces reflecting everything that was in view. eventually they began to make themselves comfortable, it would be a long time before the rain passed. Light bulb found a small boulder-like rock and sat on top of it, she was quickly joined by paintbrush. Then eventually fan joined them, he was updating his blog to keep his followers informed. He didn't have many followers but he did what made him happy. Testube had always admired him for that. Knife lent up against a nearby wall with baseball close by, they shared a tired gaze, it was late. She checked her watch, 3:58.

Eventually they all began to rest, except for testube. She couldn't help but question about mephone 4 and 4S and those who came before them. They were so jumpy, so easily startled even the slightest creak or squeak could put them on edge. But hey they'd had a rough week. She sighed and turned her attention to the pair fan was watching attentively, he was still awake (barely). He listened carefully to their conversation trying to pick out any mildly important details. But to his avail it didn't seem important, they were just talking about aeroplanes. She had to admit it brought a smile to her face to se the pair finally reunited. Two siblings without a care in the world, just talking about planes. She felt a smile creep up her face at the sight, what a odd topic to talk about in the midst of all this? She didn't watch for too long before she looked over her shoulder. Sure the others were asleep but she hadn't heard much from suitcase. She moved slightly the sound of paper crunching under her foot. She squinted her eyes at it, an important document? She'd put it in the pile with the rest in the morning. She saw suitcase who was sat in a circle with the three older mephones, they were having a conversation too, it seemed interesting so she tried to scurry closer to listen in, but she was noticed. She felt nervous but that quickly faded to delight as she was invited to join them. It was funny to see how they interacted with each other and she could now see why suit case had grown fond of them very quickly. Their codes fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces, they were hilarious together but still seemed so very lost. She wondered wether cobs had done this on purpose. wished to observe them longer. But she could tell they were getting tired so she let them be.

Every thing was going well again. It was peaceful and calm. The pair previously talking had shut off leaning against each other. It was sweet to see them like this it made her wish she had a sibling like this, but she had her friends and that was enough for her. They were like her family. She wondered if everything would just go back to normal. Back to how it was, peaceful. But her hopes were cut short once she'd heard a loud crash outside.

She'd tell the others once they had gone back to the hotel. They deserved to rest and so did she after all the work she'd done. She lent against her lab assignment and very best friend, fan eventually drifting into a deep sleep.

The Recode project. [Inanimate Insanity AU]Where stories live. Discover now