-a not-so-new product-

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Mepad's cold, lifeless body was propped up against testubes desk. A multiple cracks ran down their screen, scarring their face. They looked as though they'd been in an accident of sorts.

"Oh shit." He heard his sister almost shout. She'd never met mepad, let alone actually seeing that kind of model. She was dead before they were even invented so they must have looked weird to her. She began to make her way over to the larger meeple product, intrigued by its appearance. 4 just watched her approach unsure of what to do or his sister's intentions. She knelt down beside mepad with mephone4 just behind her questioning her. She hesitantly moved the body to the side in an attempt to read the lettering on the back.

"Thats a mepad 1st generation. There's no use checking because from the looks of it, your not gonna be able to read anything." He spoke a little louder than he'd hoped it would. He rubbed his eyes feeling how heavy they were from behind his glass face. He was tired. No not tired, Exhausted. So exhausted that he hadn't even noticed his sister staring up at him from where she was crouched down, eyes widened. She spoke carefully a serious tone to her voice. "How do you know that." She wasn't angry but he could tell she wasn't happy either. He looked at her face carefully before helping her up of the floor. Today was going to be long.

He heard the door open from behind him before he was swept up into a quick embrace by his younger brother. He hugged him back, arms loose and weak. Mephone pulled away from the hug as he heard someone approaching. His older brother met his gaze the pair grimacing as they made eye contact. 3G quickly beckoned the youngest of her brothers to her side ready to run him through the ground with her questions on the still device that lay in front of them. A gentle hand lightly tapped his shoulder.

"You okay there?" He turned around to look at his brother once more, who had an anxious expression plastered across his face. The older Made an obvious point of showing his concern. They were genuinely worried for him. Mephone took his older brother by the hand in his own, assuring him it was okay. Expressing his equal concern for the other's feelings on their crime. He was still shook but happy that neither were angry or upset with each other's decisions on the act. His older brother nodded with an equally understanding smile. He quickly wrapped his arm around the older a warm feeling clouding his sensors as he hugged his brother from the side. They monitored their older and younger siblings alike making sure neither touched anything dangerous.

The lab door swung open. Testube and fan parading in while discussing a brand new project. They were obviously excited about starting it as they had new blueprints to test. Fan set his laptop carelessly next to the pink glittering DVD player. Ignoring her surroundings mephone 3G almost immediately began to question the pair of objects before herself, similar to a curious toddler just wanting to know why. Testube walked up to mepads still, lifeless body. She struggled to lift him up even with fans help, this was probably because all of the earlier meeple products had a tendency to be on the heavier side. Their stainless steel limbs and thick iron backplates the main cause as their internal components weighed nothing in comparison.

Mephone felt his eyes fixate on that old dvd player once more, its glittery surface refracting the harsh white light. A memory flooded back to him it was the time he sat in Tessa's office after an incident. She would access the damages done to his body and recorded them to her 'visual diary'. The same white light penetrated his lenses. She lifted his limbs carefully like how a little girl would do to her dolls. Glassy tears rolled down his cheeks as he wished for the company of his older brother. He wanted to be held, to be comforted. Groaning he began to rub his eyes, wincing at the horrible reminder of that unpleasant memory. His vision was now slightly blurred as he continued to watch the room around him.

3GS nudged him before questioning him on the 'new' meeple device in front of them. He was quite polite asking as he'd noticed a shift in mephones mood. Mephone answered not taking his gaze of the visual diary. He felt the gentle hand of his older brother rest upon his shoulder once more greeted by the others worried expression again. he looked concerned almost desperate to know if he was okay. he knew the expression on his face all too well it was the same one he wore after every meeting with Cobs.

"I'm fine, just need some time to think this over ." Mephone interrupted him before he can speak as the guilt of what they had done washed over him. 3GS hugged him from the side, comforting the younger beside him. He wanted nothing more than to hug, comfort, and shield the other from the surrounding dangers to protect his little brother from all harm. They continued to watch as the pair of clumsy objects struggled to lift mepad onto a working bench all whilst preparing their screwdrivers, wrenches and other miscellaneous equipment ready to repair their fallen friend.

All four mephones accompanied the pair as they twisted and turned parts, removing and adding bits and bobs to allow the robots to function. Fan spent his time noting down details on mepad using a blank Word document To note all of testubes findings from codes scratched into the removed parts to the functions of their mechanical cousin. It had to have been at least three hours at that point. Mephone rested against his older brother, while battling the urge to fall into a deep sleep.

"Done!" Test tube, exclaimed loudly, snapping everyone back to reality. She apologised profusely for startling them while struggling to attach the charger to the mepad 0-1 model. Once they had the familiar low charge symbol across their screen, once they knew the repair had worked they left the room together, leaving the mephones  alone once more.

Mephone walked over to mepad and tucked him in, he knew mepad couldn't feel the cold... but he could.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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