-crumbleing memories-

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Entry 109

No signal. I have heard nothing from those i have sent to locate my missing subjects. As frustrating as this may be for me and my workers, we mustn't give up yet. The new chips I assigned each model have a certain new security system that allows me to monitor there every move. So trust me they won't be going far, even if they did it's not like the public would keep quiet. 3GS hasn't been sighted for over 12 years so I believe it will cause some problems with the media if keeping this project under wraps is what me and my team decide on. However i think going public with this may be a good option for us. Bringing back old 'mascots' is something that the community surrounding my company have protested and begged me for for ages. It's good to give the public what they want from time to time.

Tessa has shown me drafts for three new security bots, I would say her designs are admirable at best. They look old, outdated and built for young infants. I have asked some changes to be made (darken the colours, improve software, etc). I am happy to have her working with me despite the challenges meeple have faced with her un-loyalties towards the company.

I believe that is all for now.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -S.Cobs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mephone winced as he felt the scalpel cut the air tube closest to the highest hydraulic in his arm, the air fizzled for a while before everything fell silent again. He felt the penumatic sylenders in his arm stiffen, he knew she'd replace those two after all it was her job. He felt a new wire put in place where the old one had been removed it felt better. It didn't itch anymore. She had lied to him again constantly deceiveing him. It wouldn't hurt this time, she had promised but what could she promise when she is only following his orders.

"Can you move your arm around for me?" The female voice from next to him spoke in a soft tone, interrupting his thoughts. He tried to look at the lady beside him as he obeyed her orders, but there was only a shadow where the figure stood, he squinted at her in a desperate attempt to see who she was. Just as she turned to face him, he jolted awake, but not before he made eye contact with her. Neon white circles for eyes, it sent shivers up his spine. He looked around quickly enough to realise where he was, the floor of Testube's lab resting against 3GS his older brother who was asleep. He remembered how they'd sit like this together in the back room of the meeple facility, it was strangely comforting. He gently pushed him away, making sure not to wake him and walked over to testube.

She was looking at the rock carefully copying down each symbol onto a sticky note and  placing it on a nearby wall, close to the board of her and fans theory's she would let him arrange those notes later. She spoke to mephone about earlier and questioned him on how he'd managed to make the rock glow. She put it in his hands, carefully monitoring the way it glowed, as he held it carefully in his hands like he had the night before. He had always known he was able to create light from his hands, always using the small orbs as nightlights however He'd never seen it create so much light before. The light seeped through every crack visible in the rock bending through every bend. His hands began to ache from the energy he felt leave them.

Suddenly a symbol, the same one they had seen 3GS use during the night they escaped appeared. But this time it glowed blue, the same blue of Mephone4's screen. It swirled and faded into the rock and  before they knew it the rock had broken in two. He apologised profusely not sure what to do. His own doubts of his past flooding his mind once again. He was interrupted by testubes amazement at what he'd done and now what rested in his hands. A small CD, one that would fit in an old computer. Surprisingly there wasn't a single scratch in the surface of the Disk.

Around the centre a small label rested, stuck to the plastic surface of the CD which he held out towards her. The lable was smudged making the ink barely readable. Mephone recognised the hand writing the twirls and curls of the letters. He just couldn't remember whose it was no Matter how hard he squinted.

"Something security, huh." Testube read out loud to herself. The label was dated too. Sometime during 2010. The disks colours shifted in the light as they moved it around casting beautiful rainbow light over the desk surrounding them. They could roughly read an 'm' at the start. They had deemed this possible to be a meeple security tape, it wouldn't surprise anyone considering the suspicious activity surrounding the company as of late. But something was still off about it. It raised questions between the two. It was pretty far out for something originating from meeple, but that wouldn't matter because the claw they'd found had been far out too.

Testube requested that he'd wait where he stood, not to move while she shuffled through the drawers trying desperately to find a small file or bag to put it in. Eventually she found a small ziplock bag that just barley fit the disk. She slid it into a fold of a new file, it was brown and had scruffy handwriting littering the surface, she must have written it a while ago, she had created this file earlier, piecing all of the evidence together like a detective about to make their next breakthrough. He had to admit it was pretty impressive.

He moved his hands, they ached and were hot to the touch. Similar how 4S hands felt after he'd burnt him. But it got him thinking, about wether he could do that again. It was getting late, testube was getting ready to leave for another night walk. And he had nothing to do. Maybe if he fell back asleep he would see her again, the strange lady who haunted his dreams.

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