Mother knows best...

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Mother knows best.
That's what they always say.
But what happens if your mother was the cause of this in the first place?

Mocked constantly because of your weight, intellect, stupidity, looks, would you ever sit down and think about death?

I sure have.

Like I said,
It would be better if I was dead.


Someone to comfort you, someone to support you, someone to tell you not to give up.

She is the reason I am giving up.

Maybe my sister should just be an only child.

She is the perfect daughter.

I'm sorry. But I can't be the daughter that she wants me to be. I am probably a disappointment to her. So many things are tearing away and me, not physically, mentally. So many things, you don't know. I don't even know. I don't self harm but I am doing that mentally, I feel worthless, with only my family to fall back on. But now, I can't do that sometimes. My first boyfriend loved me. Yet when I told her, she never congratulated me once. To be honest, the only thing she really said was "are you sure?" .....OK" It felt like she doesn't t believe anyone can love me. Yet when Roxy got Michael, you were happy for her. I'm sorry if I can't be as great as my sister but... I'm not Rox.

I am Skye.

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