Issue 2: Brick by Brick

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Last time Spider-Man apprehended goons from the Medici Mafia in one of their warehouses. He attempted to get information out of them. However he was quickly interrupted by the Black Egrets, forcing him to flee the scene. What will happen next in the city of New Meridian?

It was night time in New Meridian and in a cathedral Frank was seen sitting down in prayer looking at the goddess Trinity.

It was night time in New Meridian and in a cathedral Frank was seen sitting down in prayer looking at the goddess Trinity

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Frank: Mighty Trinity please give me strength. May you guide me in my time of need.

Frank said as he prayed but as he did he hears a creek and stops praying and looks around looking confused until he sees Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: Medici.....

Frank: Arachnid....

Both Spider-Man and Frank look at each for a minute before the young Medici hands Spider-Man a file who takes it.

Frank: You finally got a response from that old bastard.

Spider-Man: Unfortunately I also caught the attention of the Princess and her Black Egrets, looks like I'm another point of interest for them.

Frank frowned hearing that.

Frank: I know her Highness is trying her best to stop my accursed family's crime but her interrupting your mission to stop them is not good. Will you be able to handle them?

Spider-Man: I should be fine, after all your family has a stranglehold on this entire city. She has so much to worry about that I doubt she could follow me continuously. Especially with the brief appearance of the Skullgirl in Maple Crest a month ago.

Frank became silent for a moment hearing Maple Crest.

Spider-Man: Apologies, I forgot the circumstances that led to you approaching me for a business partnership.

Frank: Do not apologize, Spider-Man. It may have been only a month, I have come to terms.

Spider-Man looked up at the Trinity statue deep in thought before looking around the cathedral.

Spider-Man: Sister Agatha busy again today?

Frank: Yes, she is.

Spider-Man let out a tired yawn before looking Frank in the eyes.

Spider-Man: A shame, I still wish to thank her for allowing me to take refuge here during my patrols. I imagine having a masked vigilante in your cathedral isn't exactly the neighbor you show love to in the holy book.

Frank gave a chuckle and nodded.

Frank: Same for the grandson of a monster.

Both Spider-Man and Frank look at each other before laughing.

Spider-Man: Strange how fate works sometimes isn't it? Two individuals, who under all circumstances should be sworn enemies, working together to accomplish the same goal?

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