Chapter Two: Fade to Black

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A/N: The "0" Symbol for Winter looks like an Ouroboros, a Serpent that eats its own tail.



"Wait, the what?" Dillon asked, looking at Ziggy.

"Rangers." Ziggy said, thinking Dillon knew about them. "Power Rangers."

"What's a Power Ranger?" Dillon asked.

[Recap End]

[With Ziggy and Dillon]

"What do you mean "What's a Power Ranger?"." Ziggy said, he looks at the Rangers.
"Them." to Winter.
"There." to Scott.
"That." to Flynn.
"Those." to Summer.

Dillon continues looking confused.

[With the Power Rangers]

Scott jumps dodging one of Generation 5 Attack Bot's attack. He lands on the ground and slides towards it. "Street Saber, Strike!" He shouted and attacks the Attack Bot knocking it back.

"Turbo Cannon, Fire!" Flynn shouted, he fires his attack towards the Attack Bot.

"Zip Charger, Activate!" Summer shouted, a small car-shaped item sped towards the Attack Bot attacking it a few times before returning to her.

"Sonic Scythe, Tornado-Slice!" Winter shouted, he spins around like a tornado while going towards the Attack Bot attacking it as he spins around the Attack Bot.

Winter knocks the Attack Bot outside.

[Building - Outside]

As the Generation 5 Attack Bot is knocked out.

Both Dillon and Ziggy went out of the car.

The Rangers all got out.

"There he is!" Summer said.
"I seem him!" Flynn said.

"Do your thing, guys!" Winter encourages, he was standing at the side.

"Right!" Scott said, nodding toward Winter. "Quick! Combine weapons!" He quickly glancing at both Flynn and Summer.

Both Dillon and Ziggy stood watching.

Scott, Flynn and Summer combined their weapons into their Road Blaster.

"Road Blaster!" Scott shouted, they grabbed the Road Blaster.
"Engine Cell, activate!" He placed his Engine Cell #1 into it.
"Target, locked!" They aimed at the Attack Bot.

"Fire!" Scott, Flynn and Summer shouted.

The three Rangers fired their attacks towards the Attack Bot, a silhouette of the Eagle Racer appears and attacks it.

"Direct hit!" Scott said, as the Attack Bot is knocked back.

The mysterious Doctor K, who the Rangers don't even know the identity of contacts them.

"Rangers, this is Doctor K. Do you have the visual of the incoming target?" They asked.

"Uh, that's affirmative." Scott said, seeing a bunch of Venjix Drones.
"That's be a bit hard to miss." Flynn added.

"This doesn't look good." Winter said, sighing.

The Venjix Drones begin attacking the city. One of them were firing around where Dillon and Ziggy are.

Ziggy is frightened, while Dillon is not. Ziggy jumps back into the car through the window.

"Rangers, I'm down Morphing the Zord Attack Vehicles to you, standby." Doctor K informed.

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