Chapter Four : Go Green

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[The Garage - Base]

Currently in The Garage and inside the base.

Both Winter and Flint are there. Dillon is Morphed and standing on a rotating disc, as Doctor K explains how the Rangers' Special Bio-Energy Field works.

"Each color of the Ranger Series is designed to configure the movement of electrons within the energy biofield in a configuration that bends time and space in order to achieve a specific function." Doctor K explained.

"Should I pretend I understood any of that?" Dillon questioned.

Winter bites his lips inward, stopping himself from laughing.

"Series Blue is designed for Time Field manipulation." Doctor K explained. "It can halt the movement of electrons through the entire bio-field, stopping time for ten seconds."

"Series Yellow is able to read energy signatures and focus the flow into concentrated extortion." Flint explained.
"Series Red's suit is designed to channel the bioenergy field for a three-second burst attack."

"As for me, Series White." Winter said, gesturing to himself. "My suit allows me to control the temperature. I can increase and decrease the temperature of my attack. Meaning, I can either make it hot or cold." He explained.

"Which brings us to me." Dillon said, as he continues to rotate on the disc.

"As the Operator of the Series Black technology, your suit is enabled with an Invincibility Shield that will make you completely impervious to any attack for a period of five seconds." Doctor K explained.

"Completely?" Dillon asked.

"Theoretically, when your shield is fully powered you could withstand the direct blast of a 40 mega pulse explosion." Doctor K explained.

""Theoretically". But you haven't actually tested it yet, now have you?" Dillon said.

"No. That's what you are here for." Doctor K said.

"We weren't really able to test it, since we had anyone suitable for Series Black." Flint explained.

"But now with you here, the testing can start." Winter said, standing in front of and looking at Dillon. "Good luck." He said, winking and walks back to where Flint stood.

Dillon summons his helmet back on. "Great. Powering up shield." He said, powering it up.

"Ideally, you will have mastered this ability before the other Rangers endured Ziggy, and found a suitable operator for the Series Green Technology." Doctor K said.

"And not to mention the Series Amber Technology." Winter said, looking at the Series Amber Ranger Suit that sat in its tube next to Series Black's tube. "Now, that I think about it... Why have we never talked about Series Amber?" He asked, looking at Flint and Doctor K.

"Series Amber... is a bit more complex to understand." Flint explained. "Supposedly, we would need to find someone suitable for it. Besides that, we need someone compatible with the Series Amber's suit's ability. One wrong move, can make them disappear." He said.

"What?!" Winter exclaimed, at the word "disappear".

"Not that." Flint quickly explained. "It's another form of disappearing." He looks at his watch. "I have some other things to do. Can you help with Dillon?" He asked, looking at Winter.

"You got it." Winter said, nodding. He stood next to Dillon, placing his right-elbow on his left-shoulder. "Looks like you're gonna be stuck with me, for a while." He said, in a sing-song tone.

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