Chapter Three: Rain

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[The Garage - Inside]

Back at the Garage where the Rangers' base is. The Rangers being Winter, Scott and Summer shows Dillon around.

"So, here we are." Scott said, as they walked in. "Home sweet home."

"We call it "The Garage"." Summer said.

"See if you can guess why." Flynn said, sliding out from under the car.

"It's because this is literally a garage." Winter said, he is walking next to Dillon. Dillon glances at him. "You know, just in case you didn't get it." He teases, half-smirking at Dillon.

Dillon looks away rolling his eyes, but couldn't help but have a small smile as he fondly shakes his head.

"Everyone had thought of a name for the base, but couldn't agree on one so we all decided to just go with "The Garage"." Flint said, he walks past Winter and Dillon.

Dillon saw a red car. "Yours?" He asked, looking at Scott.

"All 700 hundred horses." Scott said.

"Cute toy." Dillon said, and walks away. Winter stifle his laughter, as he follows Dillon.

"These are the real toys." Summer said, she rest her arms on a table. Looking at the screens that is showing a bunch of Ranger Technology.

"Pretty awesome, huh?" Winter said, standing next to Summer, and resting his right elbow on Summer's left shoulder.

"Where did all this stuff come from?" Dillon asked, standing next to and looking at Winter.

"It came from me." Doctor K said, they appeared on screen. "Come in, I'll show you."

A door to another room opens.

"This way, please." Flint said, he walks into the room with everyone following behind.

"Three years before the Venjix Virus attack, I was a leader of a research team developing exoskeleton robotic suits to amplify human strength and speed." Doctor K revealed. "We were attempting to harness human body's natural electrical output to prolong the suit's battery life. When we had a breakthrough, the discovery of a bioelectric field, an unseen Energy Grid that connects the life force of all living things. Manipulating this field allowed for unimagined advancements in technology, including these. The Rangers Prototype Series covert infantry biosuits."

The Ranger Suits that are in the pods has lights shined upon them.

"Right, because nothings says covert like white, bright red, yellow and blue spandex." Dillon said, standing in front of the Ranger Suits.

"That is not spandex!" Doctor K said, raising their voice.

"Doctor K. Please, take deep breaths, and calm down." Flint said, looking at the screen.

"Doctor K can get a little defensive about his work." Summer said.

"Just like how Scott can get very defensive of his car." Winter said.

"Hey!" Scott complains. The others chuckles a bit, including Dillon.

"The material is a self-assembling nanofiber formed with an intracellular sheep memory alloy." Doctor K explained.

"My mistake." Dillon said. "Now, is that machine washable or strictly dry clean only?" He asked.

"You've seen it in action, you know what it can do." Doctor K said.

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