Chapter 17+18: Despair? I'm used to it

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Opening (Special for this chapter):

[Continue where we left off the last chapter]

Yn: Come on, let go find my friends

Evolto: Whatever you said kid...

[Evolto then turns back into his Cobra form and warps himself around your neck again for an easier transportation method]

[You then start searching for Azu and Clara, running from corridor to corridor, only getting stopped by invisible barriers that are in the way. After a while you finally found both of them]

Yn: Azu! Clara!

Azu: Yn-sama!

Yn: You two okay?

Azu: We are...but there's a barrier in front of us so we're basically trapped

Yn: Shit...

[You look around and see multiple students who are panicking because of these barriers]

Yn: Stand back

Azu: What?

Yn: Stand back. I'll try to destroy the barrier

[Azu grabs Clara and back off from the barrier]

[You materialize the Authorise Buster in axe mode and scan the bitting shark progrise key]

{Buster Authorise! Progrise Bomber!}

[You swing the axe into the barrier unleashing the finisher but the moment you hit it you get sent flying backwards into a wall]

Yn: Ow...

Azu: Yn-sama! Are you okay!?

Yn: I'm fine...just gonna swing it one more-

[You look at your hand just to see the axe handle, the axe head is stuck inside the barrier, it seems that the knock back broke the axe in half]

Yn: How the fuck!?

[You pull the axe head out of the barrier and immediately, both the axe head and handle disappear like it got Thanos snap, vaporize into dust]

Azu: Isn't this kind barrier...

Yn: What?

Azu: The one that Amy-Senpai has?

Yn: You're right...

[You detransform and stare at the barrier]

Yn: What do i do now....

Evolto: Try a stronger form, maybe that will do something

Yn: I want to, but i can't materialize any final form items into my hand to transform

Evolto: Maybe go lower than that

Yn: Super form?

Evolto: Yeah that

Yn: Okay, I'll try...

[You materialize the metal cluster hopper progrise key and activate it]

{Everybody jump!}

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