Chapter 5

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A couple of days later, I went to the boy's gym, but when I entered I saw only one girl. She wore glasses and a black jacket.

"Hello," she said. "You must be y/n, who's here for her project. I am Kiyoko Shimizu, manager of Karasuno. The boys are changing, they'll come in a couple of minutes."

"Nice to meet you, Shimizu," I said politely.

"You too. Do you know any first or second years who might be interested in being the future manager? This is my third year and I want to leave the club in good hands."

"I don't, sorry. And this is also my third year, so it couldn't be me. However, I could help you put some flyers or something like that around the school to find those who might be interested."

"That's a great idea, thank you for offering! I'll print out some and I'll give you half of them, so you can put them on the boards."

"Sounds goo-"

I couldn't finish over the shouting of two boys running at us.

"We are so lucky to have you here, Kiyoko!" said the bald one.

"You too, y/n. Blessed by the lord," said his short friend.

"Y/n, meet Tanaka and Nisinoya," said Shimizu. "And please stop shouting, boys."

"Whatever you say!" they said at the same time and ran to warm up.

"They can be intense, but once you get to know them, they're nice. Same goes for Hinata and Kageyama," said Shimizu, smiling.


"Welcome back, y/n!" said Sugawara.

"Thank you, good to see you too," I answered. He came to say hi. That made me very happy for some reason. I guess I was just happy that I was already making friends. "Are you training today? Let's see if you're as good as you told me."

Did I just challenge him? A person I don't even know that much yet? Oh, my God, what was I thinking?

Sugawara just laughed, making my worries go away once more. His laugh was soothing.


"So, did you decide on your theme?" he asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"I did. I want to tell a story of improvement and hard work, showing the volleyball aesthetic in the way, which is beautiful."

"Wow, that's great," said the boy of the endless smile. Was he... impressed? "You should definitely write that in the description."

I was about to answer, when the door opened and an adult entered.

"Hello, coach Ukai," said Sugawara.

"Hello, guys." Then he turned to me. "Are you the photographer?"

"Please don't say it like that, it makes it sound official," I said. "Thank you for the opportunity."

"Sure. If everything goes well with this contest the school will be more popular. The vice principal will be happy and he might let us do more things."

I asked him if he could let me explain the project to the boys and he called them all. They were kind of intimidating.

"Hi. I'm y/n. Some of you have seen me around in the last couple of days. There is a very important photography contest in our school and I wanted my project to be about volleyball. That's why I asked your team and the girls for permission. Thank you for this, I won't bother much. I'll help clean up and things you need."

"Won't this distract us?" asked a black haired boy. Kageyama, if I remembered correctly.

"It won't, I know how to do it. I won't say I'll be invisible and I might ask you to collaborate with me, but I will do that as little as I can."

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