Chapter 15

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It was Friday. Finally.

Kaneko and I were at photography club, waiting for her to show me the photos on paper.

"Come on!" I said, impatiently. "What's taking so long?"

"Okay, okay. Here." She took out a folder. "I chose different types of pictures, so we could see which will work out."

I took the photos and looked at them one by one, stopping on every detail and admiring all our work. We'd definitely done a good job. "They look great! This means I really have a chance, Kaneko!"

"Of course you do," she said. "I told you the very first day."


She gave me the memory card and we made the final selection. I organized them following the story I wanted to tell and wrote notes in a notebook, so I didn't forget anything. The project was almost done! I took out my phone and sent a couple of them to Kuroo, as I'd promised. His response was almost immediate.

You: *several attached images*

Kuroo: Finallyyy! Let's see...

Kuroo: I love them! I def look good! I don't understand why nobody appreciates my good looks smh.

You: hahaha

Kuroo: what r u laughing at??

You: nothing nothing. How are you guys?

Kuroo: alr. Jenna has been playing more vball

You: who?


You: hahahhahaha, chill Kuroo

Kuroo: anyway... loved the photos

You: thx

"He's a fun one, isn't he?" said Kaneko, who'd read the whole conversation.

"You most definitely won't get bored with him," I answered, and she laughed. The bell rang. "It's time already?"

"Time flies, huh?" I said. "Come on."

I put away the folder of the photos carefully in my bag and placed the camera on my locker. We had lockers to keep our things inside the class and, although I usually took my camera with me, I decided to leave it there because I didn't want to carry it.

"Why are you so hardworking, yet so lazy?" asked Kaneko, impressed.

"I am a complex human being, my friend," I said, solemnly.

She rolled her eyes playfully and we were about to head out when our teacher called.

"Oh, I need the keys for the lockers," she said. "Can anyone help me?"

"I will," volunteered someone.

"Thank you, Yamada."

She smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at her. What was she bragging about? It was no big deal, helping with the locker keys was one of the most boring things there were.

"Ignore her and stay calm," reminded me Kaneko quietly, as if I'd forgotten a line during a play.

We got out. "This club is the best thing," I said. "Why does she have to ruin it?"

"Forget about her."

It seemed obvious, but, for some reason, that silly comment calmed my anger and I put Yamada out of my mind.

"What are you doing this weekend?" I knew Kaneko had asked that to change the subject and distract me, but I let her.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you about our sleepover." I shook my head.

"We had a sleepover and I didn't know about it?" she raised an eyebrow and I laughed out of nervousness.

"Uh, actually, I'm going camping with Suga and..."

"And you don't have the guts to tell your parents so I have to cover for you," she completed.

I nodded. "Oh, you know me so well." She shook her head, but she didn't say no. I waited three seconds to see if she changed her mind, but she did not. "Thank you!" I hugged her.

"Don't make me regret it," she joked, and I let go of her.

"I owe you," I said. "Wait, what time is it? I have to go, I'm going to be late!"

I practically ran home. I took a shower, put on a shirt and some pants and made a little bag for our adventure, including the pictures to show Suga. I wanted to take the camera, but I'd left it at school. Luckily, my phone camera wasn't that bad. I didn't like taking photos with it, because the camera was way better, but I guess I could make exceptions from time to time. Anyway, I could also take a break.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going to Kaneko's," I said. "I'll stay the weekend there."

"Okay, honey," said my father. My mother added: "behave yourself."

"I will. Love you both."

As soon as I got out of the house, I texted Suga.

You: can you pick me up a couple of blocks before mine?

Suga: sure thing.

You: ♡

It was still weird to text hearts and whatnot, but I enjoyed it. And I know how stupidly cheesy that sounded. However, it felt right to show that kind of affection.

A couple of minutes later, a car stopped right next to me and was surprised to see no other than Sugawara Koshi rolling down the window. "Hey, y/n! Jump in!"

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