Chapter 22

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History class. I didn't despise it, but I'd rather be anywhere else. I checked my timetable and my heart skipped a beat. That was my last class of the day. After it, we had a free period and later... The winner of the photography contest would be announced. I just had to bear 15 minutes more.

The three days had flown by and I couldn't believe the day had finally arrived.

"Y/nnnn! Earth to y/n!" Ishida said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Mmh? What?" I frowned.

"What's up with you?" He lowered his voice. "Is it because of a certain volleyball player?"

I blushed remembering Suga's confession. I hadn't been able to get it out of my head.

"What are you talking about?" I tried to sound clueless.

"Did something happen that I don't know about, but, as your best friend, I should know about?"

"Hey, I never asked about you and your girlfriend," I complained, and he raised an eyebrow. "Okay, maybe I did at first."

"Then? Are you gonna tell me or what?"

"He told me that he loves me," I muttered.

Somehow, he heard and grinned, but didn't start jumping up and down or gasping or anything. I was grateful for that, since I'd already gotten that from Kaneko. Huh, they both had surprised me.

"You both are too cute," he commented. "And I'm happy for you."

"But I'm not dazed because of that. I'm just very tired, since I couldn't sleep last night." I yawned. "You do realize this is the most important day of my life, right?"

"Always so dramatic..." He rolled his eyes and I stuck out my tongue at him. "Stop worrying, dummy! You're gonna win. Obviously."

"Thank you," I said, feeling somewhat better. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna doze off without the teacher seeing me.

He snorted and let me be. However, two minutes later, the bell rang, making me jump in my chair. I was very tired and I needed to be fully awake for the photography event. I said bye to my blue haired friend and searched for a place I could sleep in.

"Well, if it isn't the prettiest girl in the world," said a warm voice behind me.

I blushed. "Suga! How are you?"

"Good, now that I'm with you. I heard the photography event is today. How are you feeling?"

"I'm terrified, not gonna lie."

"Relax!" He smiled softly. "You're going to win."

I kissed his cheek. "Stay with me?"

"I'd love to. It's free period for me too."

We found a tree in a nice and empty zone. Of course, everything was probably in class or studying.

We sat under its shadow, enjoying the nice weather. We stayed silent for a while. I was so glad and comfortable, I began to notice my sleepiness. I yawned.

"You didn't sleep well last night?" Suga asked, and I shook my head. "We still have time, get some rest."

"Really? And what about you?" I thought it was selfish of me to fall asleep on him.

"I'll wake you up when it's time. I'll tell you a story, so I won't even get bored. Would you like that?"

"I'd like that very much." I smiled at him, before closing my eyes.

"Once upon a time, there was a little boy who dreamed of seeing a star up close. His hair was light grey like a cloud and his eyes were the colour of a tree trunk. He began to play volleyball when he saw how high the ball could go. He thought that maybe he could reach a star with the ball and finally see one."

"With time, the boy realized he couldn't actually see a real star from the sky, not as close as he wanted to. Still, he didn't give up on his dream. He continued to look for his star."

"Not far away, a girl also dreamt of reaching her star. She liked to look at the sky and think one day. One day I'll find you, star. She tried drawing, singing, writing, dancing... Until she found photography. The very thing that felt absolutely right."

"As for the boy, he didn't know how or why, but, for some reason, he met the girl. He didn't need much, just a little conversation to know that the search was over. He had found his star. He could see it very close. And hug it. And take care of it. As for her, she felt drawn to this boy. She realized that she'd also found her star. They were inseparable."

"Years later, she would photograph the stars and things that were important for her with so much passion, her pictures left anyone who saw them speechless. Meanwhile, he grew up to be a teacher. He taught everything there was to know about outer space. His favourite theme was constellations. He liked to say that no matter how big and impressive the different constellations were, each person would notice one star brighter than the others, that someone they held so dearly.

"His eyes sparkled when he talked and his students listened to every word, completely captivated, and curious as to why he seemed so fascinated, when he repeated the same thing every year to new students. The boy was always thinking about his star. He had not only seen it. He'd done more than that. He had fallen in love with her and lived happily ever after together."

I had fallen asleep, but I'd heard his story. Somehow, I'd heard his voice and my brain had provided the images in a dream. I don't know how long it was before he woke me up, I just know that when he did, I felt well rested and ready to be announced the winner.

Smol fairy tale ♡. Vote and comment if u liked this :D

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