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Castle Doom, Latveria, Europe (EARTH-616)

In the bowels of a large basement, a brutal fight between the Avengers and Doctor Doom ensues. In the background stands a trans-dimensional gateway that Doctor Doom engineered. On the basement's floor lies scraps of destroyed Doombots. The latter shoots lightning from his hands, knocking Iron Man against the brick wall. Captain America gets between the armored Avenger and the next lightning blast to block it with his Vibranium shield. As the titanium-covered villain continues throwing lightning bolts, he gets his eyes webbed by a certain wall-crawler with a blue and red suit. The web gives the God of Thunder an opening to strike his own lightning at the villain.

Doctor Doom took the hit, but seems unfazed. He blasts a magical beam from his fists which is also blocked, but by Doctor Strange. The Sorcerer Supreme casts magical bindings from around Doctor Doom and restrain him. Thor and Iron Man throw their strongest energy-based attacks at him, hoping to somehow damage his defenses and armor. Their combined attacks accompanied by the Solar Beam from the Avengers' very own super-powered android, Vision.

They stopped, thinking they've dealt enough damage to the villain. With Doctor Doom weakened, they stop fighting for a moment.

We got you now Doom. Care to explain what the portal is for?" Captain America asks.

That's not just any portal, Cap. I recognize that design. It's the same trans-dimensional gateway Kang used when he tried to go back in time and stop the Avengers from existing," Spider-Man answers him.

"Well, thanks to Reed's intel, we stopped him just in time," says Iron Man.

"Whatever era you wish to travel to, Victor von Doom, it is never going to happen. We will destroy this machine. And this time, no traces of it will remain," Doctor Strange says out loud, thinking they have succeeded.

Then, Doom starts to chuckle, leaving the Avengers confused and worried.

"What's so funny, Doom? Did you lose your marbles just because we beat you?" Iron Man asks.

"No, what I find amusing is that you have no idea what plans I have for that gateway. And the fact that you think you've won."

Suddenly, Doom is covered in green, sinister aura. He gets up to his feet, frees himself from the Sorcerer Supreme's magical bindings, and starts making quick work of the Avengers. Iron Man's armor shattered, Captain America beaten to the ground, and Spider-Man paralyzed. The two remaining Avengers try their best against Doom. Thor charges his Mjolnir with as much lightning as possible before he unleashes it on the villain, only for him to take and redirect it back with more force and power. The overwhelming attack knocked out Thor, leaving him laying on the floor. Now it's just Doctor Doom and Doctor Strange.

The two sorcerers cast their strongest spells, attacking, and defending. Doctor Strange feels the difference in their power beginning to affect him. In one final attempt, he gathers as much magical energy into one attack before he releases it into one focused blast. Doctor Doom does the same, his magic beam colliding with Strange's, making the two beams of magic push against one another.

While the sorcerers duke it out, Captain America regains consciousness. At the corner, he spots the controls for the gateway. Doctor Doom's beam slowly overpowers the Sorcerer Supreme's, as the middle of the colliding energies moves closer to him. But while he was focused on Strange, the Vibranium shield flies through the air, and destroys the gateway's controls. Doctor Doom's eyes widen at the damage, as he successfully overpowers the Sorcerer Supreme, sending him to collide against the wall.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" he yells out as he watches the gateway destabilize.

Frustrated, the villain uses his telekinesis to pull the super soldier in front of him.

"Once again, you have thwarted my quest to achieve my destiny. You Avengers may have destroyed my machine, but this is far from over."

Doctor Doom then looks at the unstable gateway. An idea clicked in his mind.

"Let's see if the Earth's mightiest heroes can make do without their beloved captain."

He turns as he makes his way to the gateway, to try and dump Captain America through, and send him to an unknown world. Before he could do so, he gets tackled from behind by Spider-Man. Then, the two of them fall into the gateway.

"NO!" Captain America screams, as the gateway closes.

The other Avengers witnessed what happened, making frowning faces knowing that they lost one of their own, and they couldn't do anything to prevent it.

In the gateway's wormhole, Doom and Spider-Man are spiraling out of control, not knowing where they're going. Spidey holds onto the villain, until he kicks him out of the wormhole. The wall-crawler is lost traveling in an open space between realities. Then, as luck would have it, another wormhole takes him. He keeps moving at high speed, not knowing the reality he will end up in.

"I guess this is where the ride ends!" he screams to himself as he is engulfed by a blinding light.

Spidey opens his eyes, and he finds himself free-falling. He looks down to find himself about to crash into a city. He tries deploying his suit's parachute, but the fight against Doom rendered it jammed. Then, he tries his web-wings to glide, but they have the same problem as the parachute. He shoots his web-shooters to make a parachute, but he's empty. With nothing to stop himself from falling, he extends his arms to his front and pray that something will stop his fall. Then, he crashes into solid ground.

Slowly opening his eyes, he wakes up to see the dark gray sky slowly turning into blue. It seems that he survived the fall. He slowly moves himself to sit upward, as he can still feel the pain on his sides from the crash. Checking his hands and his body, he sighs in relief.

"Whew, thank God. I'm still in one piece."

Then, he hears something, like someone is groaning in pain. He looks to his back, and finds himself on top of a gigantic, monstrous creature wearing leather pants and a black jacket. He of course freaks out, both at the size and appearance, and that he accidentally injured him with his fall.

"Oh, man. I'm so sorry, I had no idea I would hit somebody! I thank you for stopping my fall, but I didn't mean to hit you! I swear, it was an accident!"

He starts to panic at the person's well-being – if he can even be considered a person. He looks around to find himself in a crater in the middle of the street, and surrounded my people. But he can immediately tell that some of them look quite different. Scanning throughout the crowd, he can see that there are people with scales, animal heads, and protrusions from their bodies, like horns.

"Hey, you! Who in the hell are you?"

Spider-Man turns his head at the voice's direction. He looks up and finds a muscular man with abnormally large arms. To his side looks to be a man covered in wood, and wearing a wooden mask.

"Where on Earth am I?" Spider-Man asks himself, as he scratches his head in confusion.

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