𝘾𝙝αρтєᖇ 1

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It's morning and the streets are loud today. The cause being a gigantic, muscular man with leather pants, and black jacket, wreaking havoc on the train tracks above the crossroad. Facing off against him is a man made of wood, dressed in a navy-blue suit. His name, Kamui Woods. Civilians gather around the sight, as if they're watching a super hero movie come to life.

The gigantic man swings his arm and knocks down a powerline. The falling structure is then caught by another muscular man with powerful arms, Death Arms. Next, a lone fire fighter with water taps for hands, Backdraft, manipulates the water from said hands to keep the civilians from entering the danger zone. Civilians take out their phones to catch the fight in front of them.

In the crowd, a green-haired high school boy tries to muzzle through the crowd to get a better view of the scene and take down notes. As the heroes try to restrain the rogue villain, the blue sky above them suddenly gets covered by dark clouds.

"Huh, was it supposed to rain today?"

"I don't think so. The forecast must be off today. Good thing I brought an umbrella though."

Says the civilians noticing the change in the sky.

High up, lightnings start gathering around one spot. Lightnings crackle, forming a circle, until a portal appears under the dark clouds. It's way too high for the people below to notice. Then, something comes out from it, falling fast. Oblivious to the falling object, the lone villain continues fighting the heroes surrounding him. Kamui Woods sees an opening and extends his branches from his arm to restrain the villain. But before he could do so, the gigantic villain is hit from the back by the falling object, making him crash into the concrete below. The watching civilians are clearly startled, as it happened so fast.

Everyone covered their faces to protect themselves from the dust smoke. Death Arms moves closer to try and get a visual. The smoke slowly clears, and he sees the knocked-out villain in a crater.

"Hey, Death Arms, you okay down there?" Kamui Woods asks from above.

"Yeah. Something must've crashed into the villain at high speeds. Whatever it was, it seems he got knocked out cold," the muscular hero responds.

Kamui Woods uses his branches to descend and assess the situation with his fellow hero, then they hear the villain groaning in pain, confirming he's still alive.

"I'm surprised the guy is still alive. Guess his Quirk made him a living crash mat," says the wooden hero.

"Hey, I see something, on the villain's body."

As the smoke continues to clear up, Death Arms notices something on top of the villain's unconscious body. It looks humanoid. As the view gets clearer, he sees that the falling object, was a man. Not just any man, he was wearing a sort of shiny skin-tight suit.

"Hey, what did I miss?" a voice says.

Behind them, a young woman runs up to them. She's wearing her own skin-tight suit and a sort of purple mask with horns. Her name, Mount Lady.

"I was just about make my grand debut. What a shame," the young hero complains out loud.

Death Arms and Kamui Woods turn around to face her.

☼ - 𝗔 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗕𝗲𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗱  𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗹 Where stories live. Discover now