Chapter 18

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By the time the sun has risen I feel my stomach rumbling. I decide to go inside to get something for breakfast, I climb back on to the small stairs of our patio, rinse my feet by the outdoor shower and step inside. I bump into Jace. His hair is messy, his plaid pajama pants sitting low down his waist. He's not wearing a shirt.
He chuckles, smiling a sly smile. We are only inches apart. My heart bangs against my chest. His nose grazes mine and I want to escape myself, run away and never return, because this numb feeling I feel when he's this close feels way to good he kisses me. I melt all over like ice cream on hot hot concrete on a hot hot summer day. I feel lost in this dizzying feeling that warms my insides. Because every time he kisses me it feels like that night the night. The night I could possibly never forget.
My eyes snap up and I realise I'm leaning into him. I was daydreaming. His hands rests on my shoulders smiling a boyish smile with a frown.
"You okay?" He asks slightly bending his knees to meet my eye
"Mhm yeah, I'm fine, totally -oh look what's that there-" I say walking toward a compleatley random object on my dresser. "I was looking for this " I say picking up a gold necklace.
He nodds repeatedly walking to the tiny kitchen getting a bottle of water.
I snap my head away from his direction my hand caught in my hair. I pull my mouth tight as I shut the bathroom door wincing through my teeth. I meet my own reflection in the mirror and realise I look like a rat that just crawled out of a sewer. My two Dutch braids are messy my baby hairs popping out in the front, my whole face is puffy and above all I'm still dressed in my poodle pajamas, it's a t-shirt with a poodle on it that says 'This poodle loves noodles', the shorts have poodles and bowls of noodles imprinted on it, I can't help it though, I love funky pajamas with weird slogans. I furiously rinse my face with cold water and meet myself in the mirror. Water dripping down my face.
"You better pull yourself together woman, you hate men remember? They only hurt your feelings. It's why they exist to make our lives as females miserable remember? It takes more than rock solid abs and brown eyes ....and soft hair and and a gentle voice and intelligence and a funny, genuine, honest, loyal, respectful man to sweep you off your feet. You can't get lost in the thought of just describing him, I mean look at you Jane. He's just another regular guy, but he could be different, he's sweet, and kind and he'd never do anything to hurt me. Oh please. HE'S A GUY. "
I have no other choice than to slap myself across my face a bit to hard. I cuss softly and rub my cheek.
Now my cheek has a red hand mark on it. I yank open the door to go get ice, I stomp my feet and Jace's eyes smoothly follow me as I walk.
I get put the tray of ice and my eyes meet his.
"Did you just slap yourself ?" He asks looking down at me from his chin his voice soft with entertainment.
"No" I say avoiding eye contact with him.
"Nice PJ's by the way" he says as I make my way to the bathroom.
I flip him off raising my hand in the air not looking at him as I walk into the room.
I hear him giggle with amusement as I shut the door.


We make our way down the hotel corridors as we step to reception, we pass people in the hallway with their family's and they greet us I smile and Jace greets back. We have a boat trip today and were going to explore the reefs and also have a scavenger hunt. According to my mom it's a great way to build relationships between co-workers. To act like children, frankly I couldn't agree more, I actually think I'm just way to exited to go swimming between the fishes. We reach reception and meet everybody there. Delilah comes into sight walking to Jace and bumps him in the side with her hips, he smiles hugging her she waves at me with a sweet smile, I smile back crossing my arms slowly. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look over its my mom.
"Margaret " I say looking back focusing on the waves crashing on the distance.
"Angelica, please dont tell me you're still mad" she says
I turn into her direction and put my sunglasses over my face. "I forgave you " I say looking further than her face then back at her "No I'm not mad anymore " I smile at her I bend slightly to give her a hug but she walks away. I purse my lips together and nodd walking back to Jace.
"So I pulled some strings and we are in a team, unfortunately Angie is also in our team, but I guess we can compromise right " she says to Jace, he tries to speak,  but I interject.
"It's fine you two enjoy yourselves, I just won't to do the scavenger hunt " I say
"No" Jace says, both Delilah and my eyes widen "I'd like to do this scavenger hunt with my fianceé, Delilah I don't mind if you tag along, but you can't make Jane feel like a burden, because she isn't. I for sure want her with me."
Delilah scoffs "Fine, the more the merrier I guess " she says throwing her arms in the air and walking away. 
I look at him absolutely flabbergasted.
He smiles at me.
We stand awkwardly next to each other, until ...
Jace slitheres his arm around my waist and pulls me closer.
"Permission to be affectionate? " he whispers against my forehead as he pretends to kiss it
"Permission granted " I smile up at him without intending to and to my surprise he plants a kiss on my lips.
"Come darlin' " he says entwining his fingers with mine as we walk to the parking lot. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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