Chapter 6

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I go back to the labour unit and clean up the rooms . I throw away the sanitary plastic covers . Throw the blankets in a washing bin and put on new sheets . I hear somebody knock on the door and turn my head into the direction . Tracy one of the nurses . She's like the teacher's pet except she's matron's pet .
" Nurse Garcia "
I set the folded linen down on the bed and look to her " Yes ?"
" Matron would like to see you in her office " she looks to the linen " I'll take it from here "
I nodd and exit . I walk through the lonely empty corridors of the hospital to her office .

I take a deep breath as I knock on the wooden door . I enter the office and she gestures  me to sit down with her hand .
I pull out the chair and sit down across from her .
" Do you know why I called you in nurse Garcia ? "
" No " I say softly
" Would you like me to explain "
I don't reply . I'm to scared
" Very well " she continues " I have noticed that you are irregularly on the spots where you are supposed to be nurse Garcia . Diddle dallying with the patients and not doing your work . You also left the hospital without valid reason - "
" I was in the chapel " I mumble "With all do respect Matron they are children , who are sick , injured and in need of love and care - "
"I'm not done speaking " she says " I also have received information that you had a fight with one of the med - students attending the hospital and that you upset the staff with your harsh words and violence , Lastly " she continues " You are very well aware of the fact that doctors and nurses are not allowed to have relationships in the hospital , because it disrupts the formal work environment . Mr S . Valente has notified me of this action and you very much brought shame to my name Jane Garcia . "
" Do you except that all of these are truths ?"
" Yes but -"
" Very well , then I have no other choice to fire you . Jane Garcia I hearby declare that you are no longer allowed to work in this hospital . You will finish your shift of the day . I want you locker cleared and your pin delivered on Dr J . Valente's desk at the end of the day . "
" No , please Matron . Let me explain "
" I don't want to hear it , you are to much of a risk for this hospital . You will recieve your full salary after your shift . Please close the door on your way out "
I feel my heart shatter . This hurts.  A lot.  It's not even my fault . Atlas it's his fault he told her . Valente it his fault he forced me into this . It's my fault . It's my fault for caring . Caring about children . I shut the door . Walk down these lonely corridors once again , I don't know what I'm going to do . I'm so behind on rent . I don't have a job . I take a steadying breath and walk to Valente's consulting room , he usually sees his last patient around this time .

I angrily slam my pin on his table . " This is all your fault Valente , I lost my job because you claimed me as your fiancé . I wasn't even aware of the fact that we are dating ." I say my rage boiling up my chest . " Thanks a lot " I turn around to storm out of the room . Until Jace grabs my arm . Not squeezing it , but enough to yank me backward . I look at him all over aware of the fact that my blue eyes might be raging like the North-sea . My eyes bounce all around until they decide to rest on his hand holding onto my arm . I never noticed how tan his skin looks compared to mine . I then meet his eyes . Brown turbulent eyes that have formed rocks breaking the waves . Making the anger die as fast as it rose .
" Listen " he breathes " I was an ass okay , and I promise I'll explain . I didn't know my father would do that and I'm super sorry okay . I'll tell you what you can crash at my place until you can stand on your own two feet . As for the whole fake engagement . I just need that to last until I finished a business meeting in Hawaii and it's this weekend " he looks at me with scencerity "Then we can break up okay . It's only for a little while . "
" Wait Hawaii ? " I ask suddenly aware of the fact that my mother is also going to Hawaii this weekend
" Yes Hawaii " he says 
I take a deep breath , " Okay Valente , but it's only for a little while . Promise ? "
" Promise " he says seriously slightly lowering his head . " Go home , pack your stuff . I'll pick you up at 9 "
" Okay " I say

I make my way to Polly's room to say goodbye . I brought her a humpack whale stuffed animal . I love whales especially blue and humpback whales . I knock and enter she sets her dolls down on her table over her bed .
" Jane!  " she says exited " Guess what?  "
" Yeah what happend? " I smile
" My grandma finally came . Dr Valente said that I can go home tomorrow ! "
" Oh my Polly that it great ! " I smile
" I have a suprise for you " I say hiding the stuffy behind my back
" What ? , is it another coloring book ? " she asked lifting an eyebrow
" No " I laugh revealing the stuffy " This is for you "
" Thanks Jane ! " She squeals excitedly , she slips off of her hospital bed and runs to hug me . I crouch down and wrap her in my arms .
" I love you Jane " she whispers still holding on to me " Thank you for everything . You are the best " . I hug her tighter fighting the sting in my throat .
" Never loose your golden soul Polly " I say back to her " You really are the sweetest kid in this hospital , I love you too " .
I never want to let go of this kid , she holds me for a good minute or two then breaks the hug . I sniffle and wipe the stray tear from underneath my eye with the back of my palm .
" Why are you crying " she asks
" I'm just gonna miss my little ray of sunshine " I smile
" I love you Jane " she smiles hugging the stuffed animal
" Love you to Polly " I say giving her one last hug then I exit her room , I walk through the halls of the pediatric ward one last time .

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