Chapter 11

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"Pleasure is mine" I mimic Delilah's action with my nose scrunched . "Give me that" , I say yanking Jace's champagne glass out of his hand and drinking the last of the warming bubbling liquid , I hold it in my mouth for a few seconds and swallow .
Once .
Hard .

"Is somebody jealous ?" Jace asks retrieving his empty champagne glass .
"Who me , jealous of Delilah Cuto?" I scoff  "Of course I am you idiot , she pisses me off with her pretty nails and shiny hair and perfect grades "
"Do you want to make her jealous ? " Jace asks a little too close to my ear , I can feel the caresses of his breath on my neck . I shiver
"What do you mean Valente? " I ask a little impatient and annoyed by the way my body just responded to him .
" Just watch and you'll see " he winks and walks away a dance is his step as his body responds to the rhythm of the music  . I throw my hands up in the air in frustration , he just left me alone with all of these snobs . Luckily Salvador left , I need to keep those two as far away as possible .

I decide to leave the conversation and look for Jace . I quickly find him and rush to him .
" Jace what the butt , you just left me alone with all of them "
"Don't worry fastidiosa , I have plan "
" Please tell me your plan " I say pulling on the hem of his shirt sleeve . He looks lost in the motion for a split second . Until he regains his focus and looks to me .
" Just enjoy the night , amore . "
" You don't have to sweet talk me right now , we're alone "
" Not for long " he notions to the guests approaching us .

"Professor Roberts , it's so nice to see you " Jace greets him , does he know everybody around here ?
" Jane , this was my professor at the university . " he says
" Pleased to meet you sir " I say politely
" Please any friend of Jace's is a friend of mine " the professor says . I see my mom approaching the stage .
" Good evening ladies and gents and welcome to the new Garcia medicine launch party , thank you all for flying all of the way to Hawaii and making an effort to be here . The dinner is ready to be served and please enjoy yourselves on the dance floor tonight "
Everybody claps and cheers .

" I'm so glad , I'm starving " I say to Jace as we make our way to the buffet . Jace smiles at me . As we wait in line he places his hand on the small of my back , I tense at the feeling .
"Relax " Jace whispers
" I can't , your hand is inches away from my ass " I whisper back through gritted teeth
" It takes every bit of self control I have not to place it there " he mumbles . 
" Excuse me ? " I say my eyes widening in shock. 
"Nothing " he says , is he blushing ?

" Oop sorry " Delilah sweeps in and takes the last slice of bread I was reaching for . "I rescued you from that little fella " she smiles . "It seems like you could use some saving from that gluten "  , she glances to my lower belly and shrugs innocently as she walks away . I drop my plate on the table making some of the cutlery rattle and a few disapproving and confused people glance at me . I walk away from the table to go sit down with Jace and his professor chatting and Jace enjoying his meal . 
" You just told me you're starving and you come back here empty handed " he says taking a bite from the slow cooked pork belly that makes my mouth water .
" I lost my appetite " I say plunging into a chair and crossing my arms
" Tell that to your face fastidiosa " 
" Nonsense Jace , your lady might be vegan " his professor says
" Please , I'm not vegan " I joke taking a piece of pulled pork from Jace's plate and eating it , it tastes so good and sweet .
He looks at me his eyes as big as saucers , I smile at him with my mouth closed and give him a peck on his cheek . His eyes open even wider . A lady with two girls approach us .
" Hello Honey " the lady says kissing the professor , sitting down by the table with the girl .
" Hi Daddy " they greet him as they also sit down .
" Hello lovely ladies " he says to his family "Jace , Jane this is my wife Cordelia " he says gesturing to the tall beauty called his wife , she has brown eyes and brown hair with tan skin and a Greek nose that complements her face perfectly . She is dressed in a frilly halter dress . " And these are my twin daughters , Cathy and Elinor " they greet us the one has a brown bob and the other has long blonde hair , both of them are dressed in matching white dresses and their hair in a half up half down with flower clips holding it in place . Cathy the brunette has blue eyes and Elinor the blonde has brown eyes .
They all sit around by the table and dig into their food . I see my mom walking to our table and I nudge Jace in the side he frowns at me until he sees my mom and slitheres his hand around my waist .

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