4. set you up

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xavier let out a reluctant sigh as soon as he saw what enid texted back.

xavier let out a reluctant sigh as soon as he saw what enid texted back

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the next day, during botanical sciences, enid was sitting with wednesday and xavier walked over to them

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the next day, during botanical sciences, enid was sitting with wednesday and xavier walked over to them. "hi, xavier!" enid said with a supportive smile.

"hey enid," he said with a small smile. he then glanced at wednesday. "hey, wednesday." before he could say anything else, wednesday got up and walked over to morgan. "morgan, are you interested in dating popular school boys?"

morgan smiled at her friend. "sure! as long as they're not hydes!" wednesday glared at the girl after that comment. "wonderful. do you know xavier?" morgan shrugged. "he's in some of my classes, but i've never really talked to him. he seems pretty cool though! i mean, he got framed which is really cool! i like shows where that kinda stuff happens!"

wednesday nodded. "follow me." she then walked back to enid and xavier with morgan directly behind her. "wednesday, did you know xavier's competing in the national archery competition in a few weeks?! they're having it here!" exclaimed enid, trying to get her best friend back interested in the boy.

"no, i did not," wednesday replied, deadpan. she then turned to xavier. "xavier, this is morgan," she said, stepping backward and pushing morgan forwards. "morgan, this is xavier." xavier nodded in acknowledgment, feeling a little uncomfortable, and extremely confused. "uh... hi, morgan."

wednesday looked at xavier, blank-faced, and told him, "morgan is looking for someone to take her out out on dates and give her an obscene amount of attention. she finds you interesting and has recently learned of your heartache issues." she then turned back to morgan. "xavier has been looking for a girl who does not take advantage of him. he also thoroughly enjoys the strange sensation of going to imperfect circles of woozy teenagers moving in notorious ways. he would be over-joyed to take you out on a date."

xavier's jaw dropped in shock. "wednesday, what the actual--" he was interrupted by a sharp squeal from morgan. "oh my god!! this is so cool! i've always wanted to go on a date with someone kinda famous, and now i am!" xavier dully shook his head. "i'm not famous, morgan. my dad is." 

"no, no, you are! i mean, yeah your dad has a bigger following than you do, but you're like the golden boy of nevermore! but with a dark turn! it's cool! when do you want to see me?!" morgan exclaimed. 

xavier forced a fake smile. "uhhh, just give me one sec." he then turned to wednesday. "can i speak with you in private?" he asked, demandingly. wednesday stared back. "you should answer morgan's question. besides, there is no time. ms. venus will be starting class soon."

xavier let out a reluctant sigh and told morgan, "i guess i can go out with you tomorrow night, if you want." morgan's entire face lit up. "yes, please! that sounds wonderful! see you then, xavier!" xavier's face echoed the sound of sadness. "yeah, see you then."

as soon as xavier and morgan left enid and wednesday's desk, enid turned to wednesday and asked, "wednesday, why did you do that?! i thought you liked him! i know you're mad at him right now, but that doesn't give you a reason to set him up with a girl he's totally not into!" 

"xavier is desperate to find a girlfriend, enid. it does not matter who it is. i told him last night that i wanted to hurt him so badly that he would never speak to me again, and i meant it. now, perhaps that is a possiblity, and i can focus on who yoko's murderer is, and i can stop them. xavier will not be a distraction anymore," replied wednesday.

"but you know that's not all he really was, wednesday," enid said sadly. "you told him you loved him! i know you meant it, too. you have to give him another chance!" 

"i can not be in love right now, enid," wednesday said firmly. "yes, i do care about xavier. but he is a hindrance to my priorities as of now. no one is safe until yoko's murderer is put behind bars or brutally tortured and killed. that includes you and xavier and morgan and anderson and every other student and faculty member of nevermore."

enid frowned. "wait... so you don't like anderson either?"

"no. anderson brown is of zero interest to me, enid. he is selfish and popular. in those two ways, he is even more alike to xavier. i need to spend time with him to throw xavier off. i need to make xavier jealous so he tries to make me jealous, even though he will not be able to succeed because that is not where my attention lies," replied wednesday.

"so you're just using him to mess with xavier?! seriously, wednesday?! that's exactly what laurel gates did to you with tyler!! you can't just do that to xavier, especially when you're in love with him! it's offensive!" exclaimed enid.

"i do not want o hurt xavier, enid. but there is no other way. he must be distracted. if he were to join my cause of solving the case of yoko's murderer, he would just do whatever he wanted and what he thought was right. he would not think things through. i am doing this for yoko," said wednesday.

"you can't say this is for yoko!" enid squealed. "she would've never approved of this!"

"then i am doing it for the outcasts who are in danger because of her murderer," growled wednesday. "does that quench your thirst?"

"ugh!" shouted enid. "i love you wednesday, but this is too far! i can't support you on this decision!"

"girls! girls!" ms. venus exclaimed, breaking into the argument. "what is this all about?!"

"my best friend is making the worst decision of her life, and there's nothing i can do to stop her!" enid shouted.

wednesday glared at enid and said, "i did not ask for her support, and she is acting like a wounded fawn."

xavier had had enough of wednesday acting out and stomped over to the argument in frustration. "okay, wednesday, that's enough! i dunno what you guys are arguing over, but i'm pretty sure enid was only trying to protect you from doing something bad! you should just listen to her, okay?! she just wants what's best for you, and so do i!" 

"mr. thorpe," said ms. venus, "i kindly suggest you go take your seat. this argument does not concern you, and i fear you will only make it worse."

"wednesday," exclaimed enid, "please listen to him! we just want what's best for you!" 

"ENOUGH!" shouted ms. venus. "you both are interrupting my class time, and if you do not sit down silently right now, you are both going to principal opal's office!" 

wednesday immediately sat in silence, and enid sat down next to her as tears welled in her eyes. she always got emotional in fights.

xavier stared at the two the rest of class, and intended on confronting wednesday later on. 

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