13. girls night out

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only five minutes after wednesday and enid left their dorm to head to jericho, xavier somehow found his way back into the story.

"wednesday! oh my god, i can finally talk to you. please, if you'll just listen to what i have to say. i promise, i'll--"

wednesday ignored the boy's existence and walked straight past him. enid smiled to herself. no doubt, wednesday's cutting edge was back and better than ever.

but, of course, then ajax saw the two of them walking downstairs and had to stop to chat as well.

"enid! i have to talk to you, now!" he exclaimed, grabbing her hand and pulling her away from wednesday.

"ajax, i can't talk to you right now. i'm kind of in the middle of something here," enid said motioning towards wednesday.

he rolled his eyes and said, "it can wait, okay. she's the last person you should be spending time around anyways. have you talked to xavier recently?"

enid glared at him and aggressively pulled her hand away. "yes. i talked to him earlier and told him we weren't friends anymore. don't come around bothering me about him anymore, ajax. he's the last person you should be hanging out with."

"don't talk shit about my best bud!" ajax exclaimed.

"then don't talk shit about mine either," enid growled before stomping off back towards wednesday.

a flare of mischief gleamed in wednesday's eyes. "where do you want to go?"

"somewhere i can forget about everything going on here," enid muttered under her breath.

wednesday nodded. "i know a place."


"wednesday, when you said you knew a place... i really didn't think you were talking about the weathervane. is this seriously where we're going?!" enid whined.

"only for a quick coffee stop. you are going to need it we are staying out all night," wednesday replied.

enid raised her eyebrows. "all night?! it's only 4:00 in the afternoon! what are we doing all night?!"

"we are going night stalking," wednesday said with a mischevious almost-smile.

enid gulped. "who are we stalking, exactly? because if my mom finds out that we're stalking normies she's going to try to send those really hideous--"

"do not worry about your mother. if she comes around with useless threats, i will threaten to cut off her toes one by one until she is bleeding out so much it will leave a fatal wound," wednesday replied.

enid smiled nervously. "uh... thanks. anyways... who are we stalking?"

"a figure of extreme interest," wednesday said with a mere nod.

the figure of extreme interest just so happened to be none other than sheriff galpin himself.

"wednesday... why are we stalking him?! his son was a total wacko and tried to kill you and then kidnap you!" enid whined

wednesday remained emotionless. "he was not as horrible as you say, enid. he was taken advantage of by laurel gates. she was the true villain. she wanted to cause harm, not tyler. he is dead because of me, and his father's reaction is because of me."

enid tilted her head in confusion with a shriveled nose. "his father's reaction? what are you talking about?"

"it does not matter," wednesday replied. "all that matters is that we figure out what his plan is."

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