12. take advantage

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"enid, i just don't know what i did wrong. what did she tell you?" xavier demanded as he walked with enid to their next class.

enid rolled her eyes, feeling not only flustered by the annoying boy but almost enraged by his question. wednesday hadn't gone into details at all! what more could he want from her?!

"she just said that you hurt her, xavier. but what you said to her yesterday morning was the most insensitive thing i've ever heard. you know how distant she was from everyone when she came here, and the fact that you said she never loved you is absurd. she was literally in love with you, and you had to go and ruin it all!" she exclaimed with a burst of anger.

xavier rolled his eyes and shook his head. "wednesday doesn't love anyone, enid. least of all, me."

"she might not anymore after whatever you pulled," enid agreed, "but that doesn't mean she never cared about you before. she did. she loved you more intensely than anyone i've ever known."

when they finally reached botanical sciences, wednesday was already sitting down and xavier let out a sigh before telling enid, "can you... can you just tell her that i'm sorry and that i wanna try to talk it out? i don't wanna lose her again, enid."

enid shrugged before heading to her seat. "i'll try, but if she doesn't, don't say i didn't warn you. you were a really big jackass to her."

wednesday vaguely met xavier's eyes as he walked into the classroom with enid as she watched him murmur something to her. he tried to wave at her and gave a little hopeless smile. wednesday did not return the favor. instead, she glared daggers at him.

"what were you talking to xavier about?" wednesday abruptly asked enid after she sat down. 

enid rolled her eyes. "i guess he's over his rage fest from yesterday because he told me he was sorry and that he wanted to talk things out with you."

"if you happen to come in contact with him again, you can let him know his apology is rejected, and if he tries to speak to me again, i will threaten his father's very existence in this world," wednesday replied.

enid nodded. "that's fair. he really hasn't been good to you... or for you. i don't get why you gave him so many chances. if you don't mind me asking, what did he do this time?"

"he betrayed my trust, enid. for the safety of every person at this school, i cannot tell you what he did to betray me. all i will say is that what he did threatens the existence of this school entirely. it isn't going to be safe here anymore, and it is because of xavier," wednesday replied.


xavier swallowed as he anxiously walked up to enid to ask her if she had told wednesday what he'd asked her to. "uh-- hey, enid. is wednesday still mad at me?"

"i don't know if mad is the right word," enid replied. "maybe go with eternally filled with hatred for you, your family, and everything that gives you happiness."

"what?!" xavier exclaimed. "what are you talking about?! she's even more mad at me?! what the hell did i do to deserve this?!"

enid sighed and said, "from what wednesday told me, i think you should be able to figure that out by yourself. seriously, xavier. what did you do to betray her trust?"

xavier frowned. "i-- i seriously don't know! can you just-- can you just try to tell her to talk to me again? please. i need to know why she's so pissed off at me."

"oh, about that," enid said with a little nose shrivel. "wednesday said that if you even tried to talk to her again she would threaten your dad's life, so i don't think that's such a good idea."

"oh my god," xavier groaned with an eye roll. 

"anyways, i probably won't be talking to you anymore either. wednesday's my best friend, and whatever you did changed everything. sorry, xavier, but i can't be your friend anymore either," enid replied.

xaiver opened his mouth in shock. "you're-- you're kidding, right? i need you on my side, enid! i need to get wednesday back!"

"that's a horrible idea, xavier," enid told him, "and i, for one, am definitely not going to stay around to watch it play out. see you around, i guess."


while xavier dealt with his inferiority complex heartbreak, wednesday, on the contrary, was thriving in her solitude. 

though xavier had hurt her like no one else, she was no longer felt pain when she heard his name or his voice... or anything to do with her. instead, she felt numbness. 

it was an old and strangely familiar feeling, but not something she was afraid of. instead, she dared to take advantage of it. she was working on yoko's murder case.

wednesday was just getting ready to leave her dorm after school before enid walked in. 

she was vivacious and filled with joy. "oh, wednesday, hey! i just talked to xavier, and you definitely don't need to worry about hearing about him anymore. i told him we aren't friends since you guys aren't. he might try to make you jealous, though. apparently all he wants to do is get you back."

"that does not surprise me in the least. thank you for your loyalty, enid. it is not necessary but intensely gratifying after what has happened. i am about to leave, but i will be back by tomorrow morning. if i do not return in three days, then you can tell principal opal about my dissapearance," wednesday replied.

"wait, wait, wait, wait. you're seriously going into jericho alone for the entire night?! let me come with you, wednesday! there's no telling how bad it could be with tyler's dad on the loose!" enid exclaimed. 

wednesday stared and said, "i am perfectly capable of defending myself from normies. unlike the majority of the other imbeciles at this school, i do not fear them. i will be fine, enid."

enid sighed. "i know you're strong and creepy, wednesday, but please let me go with you. i need a girl's night out. especially after what happened between me and ajax last night."

wednesday frowned. this was news to her. "something happened between you and ajax? are you alright?"

"i-- i think i'm fine. it's nothing, really. i just need to clear my head about some things and take a breath of fresh air from everything going on here," enid replied.

wednesday nodded. "i understand. you make a valid point. fetch your bag, and we will head out to have a 'girls night'."

enid shrieked with excitement as she bounced up and down, clapping her hands. "eeeek!! this is so exciting! let me go change into my hot purple dress!"

"do not take too much time! we are not going anywhere fancy! just to get your mind off of sluggish boys who do not deserve your time," wednesday replied in monotone.

"okay!" enid exclaimed.

for the first time in her life, wednesday was actually going into town with her best friend to... 'break free' of the thoughts and sensations holding her at bay.

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