Part 32: Ronny's Lunch

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Candy's day hadn't started off the best, with her getting eaten and then hearing that Bianca's date hadn't gone as well as she hoped. Nonetheless, she was determined to stay positive and make the best of the rest of her day. Today was Friday, and she was looking forward to hopefully spending a romantic weekend with Martin, rather than hiding in the office closet with the spiders. Little did she know that her day was only going to get worse, much worse.

It wasn't quite time for lunch, but Candy was already becoming weary and hungry after her long week. A Giant's shadow fell across her desk and she turned around, expecting to see Martin. Instead, to her horror, she found herself looking up at Ronny. He gazed down at her contemptuously with his cold, dark eyes narrowed to slits, a smug, hateful grin plastered on his face.

"Candy! How have you been?" he sneered, dripping with sarcasm and disdain. "Gosh, I hardly see you! It's like you've been avoiding me or something!" He leaned over her, planting his hands on the desk. Candy gulped and stepped back, tripping over her keyboard and falling on her rear. She was paralyzed with fear.

Ronny lowered his colossal face down closer and leered at her, showing off his blocky white teeth. "You're always eating lunch with that loser Martin, aren't you? Why don't you spend lunch with me today, instead? We have so much catching up to do!" Before Candy could protest, Ronny snagged her in his hand with lightning speed and lifted her up inches from his face. Candy cried out in terror but the Giant stuck his fingertip over her mouth to mute her.

"None of that screaming, now," he warned in a low growl. "Or else." He ran his free hand over his jet-black, slicked-back hair and prowled over to his own desk. He flopped down in his chair and examined Candy in his hand. She whined with fright.

"Guess what I've got for lunch," Ronny drawled. He forced Candy's head to the side with his finger, so she was looking down at his desk. "Spaghetti and meatballs. Yummy!" Indeed, he had a plastic container with spaghetti in it, as advertised. Candy squirmed against his fingers, but she couldn't fight him with her wimpy strength.

Ronny continued to mock her, feigning friendliness. "Oh, what's that, Candy? You didn't bring a lunch today? You poor, pathetic little pipsqueak! Don't you worry your dumb little head, you can have some of mine!" With that statement, he shoved Candy into his spaghetti, smearing the red sauce all over her. He grabbed his fork and piled noodles on top of her, wrapping her up in the long strands so she couldn't get away. Candy struggled, but the noodles were tangled all over her and too heavy to move all at once.

"No, Ronny, please! Don't eat me!" Candy pleaded. Her terrifying memory of being swallowed just that morning was still fresh in her mind. However, Martin was kind and sensible enough to free her from his stomach; she doubted Ronny would do the same. Ronny just laughed and stirred the noodles around, poking Candy with his fork and making her shriek. He slopped a big mess of noodles on his fork and shoveled them into his mouth, gulping them down greedily. Candy got one of her arms free, but Ronny forced it back down with his fork. One of the edges nicked her arm and drew blood.

Ronny ignored her pain and scooped her up with the eating utensil, completely wrapped in spaghetti. Candy felt a surge of hope when she saw Martin approaching from down the hall to meet her for lunch, but before she could alert him to her presence Ronny opened his huge mouth and stuffed her inside. Her screams were muffled as he maneuvered her into his cheek. He sucked on her as he watched Martin, oblivious, walk over to her cubicle. He appeared surprised to find it deserted, then puzzled, then concerned. He searched around for her, scratching his head, becoming more worried by the second. After wracking his brains to discern where she might be, Martin left to see if Bianca happened to know where Candy disappeared to.

Ronny sniggered to himself and toyed with Candy on his tongue, relishing her feeble squirms. He separated her from the noodles, chewed them up, and ate them, keeping Candy in his mouth the whole time. He shoved into his maw another forkful of noodles and chomped them up, tossing Candy about with his jaws. He swallowed the masticated noodles and jumbled her around on his tongue, rubbing her along the inner edge of his teeth and along the roof of his mouth. He wanted to torment her more before actually eating her, so he spat her back out into his container of noodles and buried her in them again so she couldn't run away. Every time she tried to make noise, he would throw more spaghetti on top of her or drown her in tomato sauce.

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