Chapter 9

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I am bolting to the apartments in hope that Sam has not called the police. My feet slam against the sidewalk and I keep my breathing even as possible. It was like when I was Devil and running away from a Hero, the thrill and excitement and unknown of what would happen. The only thing missing was adrenaline, it wasn't driving me because it wasn't there. It was just the caffeine making me so jittery that I would just move.

I see the apartments and stumble over my feet as I dodge cracks. The pace is still there, and I reach the office in record time. I fly the door open, "What the- Tommy!" Sam got up from the crappy office chair and came over to me. He gave me a hug. HE GAVE ME A HUG?! "Hey, sorry about this morning, I woke up late and had a friend who ended up staying the night take me. I should have texted you, but man work got busy." I let out a nervous laugh and he pulled away. "Understandable kid, just maybe after work send a text and not during your therapy?" He sat back down, and I came further into the office. I see Techno, of all people, the Blade. "Hullo." He greeted me with a lazy wave. I give one back but stay quiet. "Ah, right Tommy you...might have another new neighbor?" Sam said sheepishly with a grin. I sigh, there were two vacant spots left that were useable. "You're lucky I clean them this week or else I would've hit you. Which key?" "Nineteen."

I motion Techno to come with me, "Sam your free Monday, right?" I started walking backwards. "No, working at the shop." I frown but it turns to a smile, "Aw damn, then I'll swing by! C'mon Techno." Me and Techno take our leave. "Night Sam!" I shut his office door. I heard a chuckle from inside, "You-?" He looked at me confused, Techno, please don't say it. "Don't you work at Target? Do you work here too?" I just blink at him. "No, I live here. I have most of the keys to my building because it's vacant and we have break-ins often. Why are you moving here? Your filthy rich dude." We walk together to my building. "Eh, I shouldn't tell you." I hear him sigh; I had an idea. The randomness of Tubbo and Ranboo moving in, the heroes Ender and Bomber disappearing and appearing around here. The Blade now being in the area, Techno moving in. Him moving in confirmed my suspicions. "Then don't. I don't care. Just know, I'm a highly observant teenager. I realize the little shit and I am always correct." He raised a brow, "Jumping the gun a bit?"


I sit on my couch and notice the thunder rolling in. "Thinking day, yay..." I never like going out during the rainy days. I just stayed inside and said my thoughts out loud. Some aren't pleasant.

"Ranboo and Tubbo are opposites of each other, just like Ender and Bomber. Huh, maybe their Ender and Bomber, it'd make a lot of sense, paranoia and confidence combo does fit the two. Now that I think about it, Ender and Bomber have been around the area recently. So have Tubbo and Ranboo. Similar height's, speech patterns. Or maybe their twins! Eh, to broad."

"Ugh, I need to take Ants advise and cool it with these theories. Does he think I'm crazy?" I groan and lay back on the couch. "Fuck!" I scream as I sit up. "Stupid, smart, fucking dumb therapist..." I cross my arms in frustration. I hated how right he could be, how well he knew me. He had been my therapist for nearly two years. I plop back down and listen to the rain. The deafening patter it made outside my door. Soft knocks that I wish I could sleep through, but alas I'm sitting up, going to my door, and peek through the small glass hole. I only see a hooded person. I take my chances and open the door, "Yes?" I greeted the stranger. "I- I uh need to use a phone, mines car broke down and I don't feel like getting sick." I gladly invite the stranger in.

"I think mine is dead too..." I thought out loud and checked it. Sure enough, it was. "Anyways, I guess take a seat? Unless your clothes are wet..." He watched the stranger walk in. I shut the door and watched him just awkwardly stand. I feel that, I start to my bedroom to grab clothes. I came out and handed them to them, "Go cha-" Louder knocks. "Damnit." I groan loudly. I walk to the door and swing it open; it was Techno. "Hey, seen this kid?" He held up a picture of a random teenager. "No? It's a random kid. Maybe? I work at Target my guy." My snarky reply didn't please him. It's a white lie, it just looked like a civilian, probably tax fraud. "But you remembered me?" I gave him 'are you serious' face. "Duh! You helped me out big time big man! If it weren't for you, I would not be working at Target. Which at the time paid better than most places- and still does." I stop myself before I rant for an hour. "It's Villain Nova but his civilian identity. That's why I moved he's been spotted in the area." His monotoned voice did not help as I silently freaked out. Despite the dim lighting when the stranger came in, I saw his face. "Yeah, haven't seen him since today." I played it cool; I knew I showed a slip of panic, but it could be interpreted as something else. "Okay. Night Tommy."

"Night Techno." I shut the door. I locked the door and turn around. The stranger just walked out of my bathroom, or should I say Villain Nova walked out of my bathroom, and in the dry clothes I gave him. He looked rather hot- this is a guy. I am straight. Right? Yeah. I can complement guys! He's good looking, attractive. A hundred percent would date if he wasn't a high claim Villain and or if I was gay. He could pull women like me if he wanted.

We silently stared at each other. It grew tense very quickly. "Come around often aye?" I joked to assure myself that this was real. "The fuck?" This isn't a dream. Great. "Uh- the Heroes know your civilian identity?" I gave him a sheepish smile and almost laughed when I saw him pale. "I don't plan to turn you in. I know of another Villain; it would be unfair." I felt the relief of his exhale. He sat on the couch, and he looked exhausted. "Tired?" He hums a nod. "I'd recommend my room. You're less likely to get caught. To put it short I'm friends with a couple Heroes that could randomly show up." It was clear that he didn't want to get up from the comfortable couch. I couldn't blame him. Then more knocks, I swear. I was getting agitated. My routine all week has been disturbed. First my schedule, second Quackity staying the night. I didn't keep people over. Third, the Villain attack at Target, and fourth the fucking neighbors. I swung the door open with a huff, speak of the devil, no pun intended. Quackity, except Karl and Sapnap were along. "Sup kid figured you would be awake. We brought dinner." I wanted to punch him. Yet I couldn't deny the offer of food, I forgot to make dinner and I didn't eat this morning.

This wouldn't end poorly.

...To Be Continued

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