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Wania had dedicated her life to learning the intricacies of the business, envisioning herself as the torchbearer of her family's legacy. Yet, today, she discovered that her grandfather and the Fakhir Abbas had orchestrated a merger without her knowledge or consent. 

"How could you do this without informing me? After everything I've done to prove myself, to show my commitment to this company, I'm treated like an afterthought?" Wania spat as the guest of the the grand dinner party had finally left and there was no one but Wania, Alya and Muhammad Shahnawaz Ghani in the hall. She was furious. She felt betrayed. Her frustration echoed off the walls, reverberating with a mix of disappointment and indignation.

"Nana, did you not have a little faith in me?" she questioned Shahnawaz

"Calm down Wania, you're over reacting." Shahnawaz threw a calm response towards her which made Wania even more furious.

"What did you expect then? you wanted me to stand like a frozen statue, like Mama?'' She turned to look around the corner of the hall were Alya stood completely still, trying to recover from the aftermath of the avalanche.

Apparently Wania and Arsalan weren't the only to to be working together in the future but also, Fakhir and Alya would have to join forces as Co-CEO while M.S Ghani will sit the chair of President, symbolically. The declaration had made the earth beneath Alya's feet move and it hadn't came back yet. 

"Baba, I can't" Alya finally spoke in a low whisper like voice.

"Of Couse you can and you will", Shahnawaz said to Alya and then looked directly at Wania and announce "And so will you"

Wania clenched her fists and paced around the hall trying to make all this make sense.

"What was the reason? Our company is still generating great profits and I don't see why we needed such a drastic change?" Wania finally spoke with controlled anger but her eye were still accusing.

" Wania my love! I did not take this decision in a day or two in fact it is a very well thought out, thoroughly researched and calculated action." Shahnawaz was now making Wania see reason

"Remember what I told you in the morning?....That some times we need to focus more on future then the present. This is what I was talking about."

"Beta, we needed the locally produced supply if we are to sustain our profits. The imports were causing us too much money and time and with the import restrictions and everything, we were heading towards hard times Wania."

"And you thought I couldn't deal with it?" Wania said, her voice now cracking but her tone was still questioning.

 Shahnawaz stopped and then gestured towards both Wania and ALya to sit down. They took a few seconds to adjust to their positions and then Shahnawaz continues,

" I have no doubts about your capabilities, both of yours" Shahnawaz looked at both Alya and Wania "But, as the head of this family and Ghani business empire, I needed to take the difficult decisions. I couldn't have left all the burden to you two if something happened to me"

"And you chose two men to share our burden? Oh! That's not sexist at all." Wania cut in, clearly irritated now.

"No! they are not here to share your burden, not unless you want them to..." Shahnawaz gave a pointed look to Wania and then resumed "They are here so that both the families can cut their losses and move forward towards a profitable future. It's a win-win situation, they get what they want and we get what we want."

"What you want." Wania retorted

"Okay! so be it. The deal is sealed Wania. Nobody is taking away your work, your privileges or your company from you. On the contrary, there is more to gain here if only you take a breath and go talk to Freedi."

That I will. Wania decided.


  The meeting was being held in Jami Freedi' s office and the attendees were Wania Ghani and Arsalan Abbas. They both were purposely called at the same time so that the terms and conditions of the contract can be discussed with them.

At an age where most individuals retire, Jami Freedi practiced law. He was more than just a family lawyer; he is a compassionate confidant, a wise advisor, and a pillar of strength for the Ghani's. His gentle demeanor, coupled with his sharp mind and extensive knowledge of family law, make him an invaluable asset to his clients.  The Ghani's found solace knowing that their legal matters are in the hands of a caring and skilled advocate.

He had described the terms at which both Wania and Arsalan had to adhere to. They both were to juggle between the office work and the farms tagging each other along. Wania is supposed to teach Arsalan all the PR and Marketing basics and Arsalan in turns will teach Wania the techniques of fruit growing. At the end of  one year term they will retain their shares in the company in addition to that they will be given 20% shares each. If they complete the term without pulling out in the middle. Or killing each other, Wania thought.

Arsalan Abbas seemed like a decent man, quiet and reasonable but in her little interactions with him Wania came to know that he is very protective of this legacy and is willing to put his discomfort online to shield it. Well. good thing! because I feel the same, Wania contemplated, she will not let him take the cake. Wania also noticed that Arsalan had made actually an effort to look professional and is wearing a suit, albeit no tie or socks. He looked rugged and, to Wania's utter annoyance, very very cute.

Wania Ghani was the kind of a woman every man wants to be with and every woman wants to kill, Arsalan was thinking. The terms and conditions seemed workable except being in close and constant contact of Wania Ghani was to be a challenge. Not that Arsalan didn't like her, because he did. Arsalan Abbas was a decent man but, he was, by every definition of the word....A man. But, God forbid! this woman is a snob and a little know-it-all and that irritated the hell out of Arsalan. He was recollecting all the reasons why he should be disliking Wania and then she smiled and his heart skipped a beat. Shit!...another reason to dislike her, Arsalan decided.

"I'll leave you two alone to discuss the matter and sign you respective contracts." Suddenly Freedi interjected and both Arsalan and Wania came out of their train of thoughts with a jolt.

They both nodded and Jami Fareedi left the room.


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