Stumbling block

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The lunch continued with minimal talking and a lot of gazing. The conversation was mainly dominated by the possibilities of business expansions and the dynamics of Alya and Fakhir's prospective relationship. However, the tension was there.

Their conversation, while still centred on work, had taken on a softer cadence, allowing moments of comfortable silence to settle between their words. Arsalan's mind wandered, his thoughts entwined with the tendrils of attraction that seemed to wrap around his heart. He pondered the delicate balance of their partnership, how their professional rapport had evolved into a friendship built on trust.

It was when their eyes met across the table, in a lingering gaze that held more questions than answers, that Arsalan felt the full force of his emotions. His heart raced, and his thoughts stuttered, caught between the familiarity of their partnership and the newfound tangle of desire. He saw a reflection of his own uncertainty in Wania's eyes, a mirror of the unspoken feelings that now danced between them.

As they finished their meal, the air was charged with unspoken tension, a magnetic pull that neither could deny. They rose from the table, the weight of their uncharted emotions hanging in the air. With a mixture of trepidation and exhilaration, Arsalan realized that their journey as business partners had taken an unexpected turn—one that could lead them to a destination far beyond the boardroom or can it?


Alya walked down the staircase of the Ghani mansion and saw Irfan Raza seated in the lounge looking a bit distressed. Fakhir had informed about his meeting with Irfan Raza to both Alya and Muhammad Shanawaz Ghani so, Alya was looking forward to his pleading and pleasing antics. She knew Irfan more than anyone. She looked at the face of the man she had married 30 years ago and tried to remember when was the last time she felt anything other than embarrassment, anxiety and insecurity in this man's presence. However, today she was feeling non of it, today she was detached.

"Assalaam O Alaikum" Alya greeted and Irfan replied

"Walaikum Salaam"

"I...I need to talk to you " He started cautiously, eyeing her reaction.

"Oh, it must be very important for which you have came all the way here" Alya responded coolly.

"Yes....yes it is" Irfan stopped to structure his sentences carefully,

"Listen Alya! I know it is difficult for you to believe it, but I really care for you and Wania and...."I don't think these Abbas men are good for you or the business" He started with a soft voice and earnest expressions.

"Are you sure you worry about me and Wania? and not yourself as your incompetent working credentials had finally been put under questioning." Alya raised an eyebrow

"I never said anything because I had loved you and was reluctant to accept that I loved the wrong man. BUt, you know what Irfan? I am glad that someone is finally calling the spade a spade" She was putting her thoughts into words now and Irfan's mouth opened in shock.

"Oh! It's because of him isn't it?'' He finally shot back

"Excuse me?''

"That Co-CEO, that filthy womanizer that had enchanted you. Oh Alya! how silly can you be?'' because it was Irfan Raza, Gaslighting was his way to go.

Alya was aghast.

"You were always gullible. That guy is not interested in you, he just wants to use you to gain maximum power in the business. He wants to rule and he is manipulating you....." Irfan continued to mansplain with a patronizing tone.

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