Chapter 1

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"Three thousand five hundred and ninety seven, three thousand five hundred and ninety eight, three thousand five hundred and ninety nine-"


Finally, the bell. After exactly 3600 seconds as promised. Surprising. I was sure they'd squeeze in an extra few minutes, but no, the class is exactly one hour long!

I cross a big 'X' on the page listing conspiracy theories of Grizzlyfield Primary School.

"Anna-Lisa" Mrs Barney stands, leering down at me from above my desk.

"Yes Ma'am, I'm on my way out right now!" I shove my books into my backpack as I say so.

"Actually I was hoping you could stay back a moment?" She asks with that dreadful tone she uses when she wants to ruin everyone's day so that they might be as grumpy as her. I wanted badly to refuse her kind offer, but I am Anna-Lisa, and I have a reputation to uphold. So I painted that sweet smile on my face, and responded innocently; "Of course, is something the matter?" I ask as I lay my bag back down on the ground and get comfortable in my seat. I might be here a while.. I internally roll my eyes, as Mrs Barney sits atop my desk, crossing her long legs and making her leather skirt tug up to barely legal lengths.

"I noticed you muttering throughout class. Was there something you wanted to say?" She asks.

"Oh, I was talking to myself as I took notes. It helps me channel my thoughts sometimes" I respond. I know she's just trying to stir drama. She does this all the time. She so badly wants me to say how much I hate her so that she has an excuse to argue with someone. She obviously doesn't get enough attention from hubby..

"Why don't you show me your notes?"

Lord have mercy! This job is so hard. But it is rewarding. I have to keep telling myself. The urge to respond with equal as much sass as her overwhelms me. But I must control the urge.

I dig into my bag and pull out my notes. I can count the seconds for an hour and still pass with flying colours, thank you very much.

Mrs Barney looks through my notes. Eventually she hands them back to me "Good. I just have to make sure everyone is paying attention. Wouldn't want any of you to skip summer camp to catch up on studies, would we?" She asks like that's exactly what she wants. Good lord, look at her. She can't even hide her disappointment. Why is she so foul?? She puts The Grinch to shame.

"I'll be off then? See you tomorrow ma'am!" I say sweetly as I snatch my backpack, swing it over one shoulder, and begin speed walking towards the door " Your next class is in twenty. Be on time." Is the last thing I hear before closing the door behind me. Yes, now my lunch break is cut short thanks to her holding me back. I have many errands to run!

I stuff a big bite of turkey sandwich in my mouth as I speed walk towards the playground, just two fences away from our very own Grizzlyfield primary. The Kindergarten kids giggling loudly hardly noticed me. The teachers watching them simply wave at me with a smile. I have already explained to them that I come here to study with a study-mate because primary school kids bully me for studying on lunch. Of course that's complete smack. Nobody dares lay a finger on me. But, it's far easier to find a quiet place on this side of Grizzlyfield School. The kids are all afraid to go near the "haunted tunnels''.

It's a perfect place for me to study.

Or...Pretend to, anyway.

I sneak inside the haunted tunnels. A large yellow, rusted, paintstripped tunnel that goes in a big half circle, with nothing but wooden rocking horse in the centre of the half circle. When I enter, my study-mate is already waiting for me. Raphael.

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