Chapter 5

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The weekend passed peacefully. I did some studying, hung out with some friends, and really detoxed my mind of all the troubles of the week before. Needless to say that paper from Friday is still scrunched in my pocket, and I made no such visit to Swan Park.

It's Monday morning, and I am feeling refreshed and ready to start a new week, and leave the stress of the previous week behind me. I tap my pen on my desk, waiting for the teacher to arrive. I am early as usual. But at least I have Sam to entertain me on this quiet morning. "How was your weekend?" She asks. "Pleasantly uneventful" I sigh blissfully at the memories. "Since when did you find uneventfulness pleasant? Are you sick? Where is Anna-Lisa?" Sam jokingly looks around the room, as if to search for the real me. "I will have you know, last week was quite stressful for me. I had a lot on my mind. It was nice to chill, for a change" I shrug. Sam is about to respond, when she looks towards someone who is standing in front of my desk. It is Bobby.

He actually was true to his words, and had already paid me at the gates before they even opened. Bright and early. But why he still stands before me, I'm not so sure.

"I just wanted to thank you again-" He starts, and I hop out of my seat, pulling him into a hug "-For returning the hat you lost? No need to thank me!" I exclaimed, cutting him off. I then whispered into his ear "Not in class".

He awkwardly pulls out of my hug, and looks around the classroom, which currently only has me, him, and Sam in it, and then he looks back at me puzzled. I know. He's wondering why talking in an empty classroom matters. Thing is- Sam knows hardly anything about that side of my life. It's not that I don't trust her (although, like I said, she talks too much) it's just I'm not too sure she'd be interested in all that breaking the rules stuff.

I only smile at Bobby and look towards his empty seat, silently encouraging him to sit back down. He obliges.

Another ten minutes pass until the classroom is finally full. A couple minutes after that, Mr Howard joins us up front. After a while of scribbling in notes, and pulling out books from his briefcase, he clears his throat to get the attention of the classroom.

"Good morning class" he begins "Before class starts this morning, I'd like to introduce you all to a lovely new student, and new member to Grizzlyfield." He looks towards the open classroom door, and a girl skips out towards the front of the class. Her hair is beetroot red. She has two perfectly curled pigtails dangling from either side of her head, each decorated with a large black bow tie. And her black dress and plastic shoes, complete her look. She looks like a doll.

An all too familiar doll.

Shrub girl.

"Hi, my name is Beatrice, but you can call me Trix, or Trixie. I am originally from Germany, but after a lot of house hopping I have made my way here to Australia, and now Grizzlyfield School! I'm excited to spend my time here with all these wonderful new faces, and hope to make lots and lots of friends." She speaks as if she had rehearsed it, and she holds both hands behind her back innocently, as she scans the crowd. Her eyes land on me. They are unreadable, but her gaze lingers on me uncomfortably, before finally breaking away.

"I trust you all to be welcoming" Mr Howard says, as Beatrice skips through the chairs to find a seat. She sits on the desk beside Sam- who is now the only thing between me and the Shrub Girl. I stare down at my desk, but I watch her through my peripheral vision. "I love your hair" She says to Sam, who's face lights up at the compliment "Really? I think your hair is amazing. You have just got to teach me how you curl your hair like that". I grit my teeth, but focus on class, hoping lunch comes by quickly.


When it finally does, I walk into the cafeteria, where everyone is getting to know the new kid in town. I grab Sam by the wrist and beckon her away from the crowd. She reluctantly follows me to a quiet corner. "What is it?" She asks, looking confused. "I don't trust that girl, I think we need to stay away from her." I whisper. Sam frowns "How can you say that when you don't know her? I get it, it's been a long time since we had a new kid arrive in Grizzlyfield, but I have a good feeling about her. She's fun, kind, and I think you two could be good friends if you gave it a real shot"

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