Chapter 8

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Unfortunately, no amount of pleading convinced my parents to remove their vote, not that it would do much, by the sounds of things, basically every parent voted us out! But we are not about to give up just yet, and that is why I have been invited to a secret school meetup. It was Brian and Lewis' idea, they invited basically every primary schooler (and Miles, obviously) besides the annoying kids who either hated summer camp, or were goody-two-shoes that would only tell on us. The meeting was planned as soon as possible, in fear that if any more time passes, they'll quarantine us all in our homes for Christmas!

I grab my water bottle off my bedside table, and make my way upstairs and out the door, careful not to wake KJ who slept in the living room all night, after falling asleep on PUBG.

After a ten minute walk, I arrive at Swan Park; our meetup location. The park has been dead quiet since the disappearances. A park right beside the woods is a perfect location to get picked off, by either something or someone. Besides the fact that the park never really was lively to begin with, being right beside the woods, with a frightening silver barred fence between the woods and the park, that makes you feel like you're in a prison yard. It's really the perfect spot for secret meetings or other suspicious activities.

"Lisa!" Miles waves me over, from behind a cluster of thick trees. I make my way behind the trees, to see a fairly large group of kids. Maybe more than ten, gathered around eagerly. They all look at me when I arrive and I spare them a kind smile and friendly wave, as I look at each person. Miles is here, Brian, Lewis, a few other familiar faces, but names I haven't yet introduced. I do notice a few faces that I cannot match to names, but most people here I am acquainted with at least, which puts me at ease, as I trust that they are not spies, hired by our parents.

"Is that everyone now?" Brian asks "No, Sam isn't here yet." Miles points out. "Was Sam invited?" a boy I know to be Lewis' friend Jordan asks. "Why wouldn't she be?" Miles questions, and Jordan shrugs in return, but I understand exactly Jordans concerns. Sam never cheats, never breaks rules. Even the people who think of me to be the kindest person in this school, know that I make my own rules and laws. Even Chloe, who is a goody-two-shoes, has broken rules for the sake of her friends before. Sam, on the other hand, is a perfect student and perfect daughter, not just in front of the adults, like me, but behind their backs too, and any student who knows Sam at all, knows not to be seen breaking rules in front of her. Although I trust Sam not to tell our parents, I also believe she will try to dissuade from doing anything that she may deem unethical, dangerous, but necessary.

"Hi guys!" Sam's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. She waves enthusiastically at everyone "How exciting, I've never had to sneak out of my house like that before, I can understand how the thrill could get addicting" she chuckles, and I am slightly surprised- but not disappointed. I suppose the cancellation of Summer Camp is just a decision nobody can stand for, not even sam. "Sam" Miles greets with a smile, and for a moment his eyes flick up and down unusually, but they quickly look past her, at the girl I hadn't noticed to have been shadowing behind Sam.


I hate that I expected she wouldn't be invited, I hate that I believed nobody could have been close enough to her yet to invite her into a secret meeting, and I hate that I bet you anything, it was Sam who invited her. I know I have no logical reasons to hate her yet, but I wish Sam would trust my gut and stop coddling the 'new girl'.

"Who's this?" Miles asks, and only then do I realise he has not yet met Beatrice. God, do I envy him.

"Oh, this is my new friend Beatrice" Sam grabs Beatrice's hand, and gently pulls her to stand beside Sam, where their height difference becomes very noticeable. Beatrice is a bit shorter than the average twelve year old, but still slightly taller than me, and yet Sam stands a frightening head taller, even losing Miles in her shadow. Were it not for Sam's welcoming gaze and friendly smile, she might have been intimidating.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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