07. Hope

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Ever since our encounter with Regulus, I became more and more determined to know more about him. I feel something, a connection between the both of us. I was eager to make amends with him.

Being a slytherin wasn't easy. I occasionally received death glares and curses from my so-called housemates. They made me feel like an outcast. Like i dont belong here.

I was on my way to the common room when I bumped into Lucius Malfoy and his gang, the Lestrange brothers. "Well, if it isnt the blood-traitor slut." Rodolphus Lestrange snickered.

As the derogatory words hit me, I clenched my fists, determined not to let their words get to me. I had endured enough insults and judgment throughout my time at Hogwarts. I was not about to let them break me now.

Ignoring their presence as best I could, I straightened my posture and attempted to walk past them. But they moved to block my path, their sneers growing wider.

"What's the matter, Potter? Can't handle a little Slytherin truth?" Lucius Malfoy taunted, his voice dripping with disdain.

I took a deep breath, refusing to let their provocations rattle me. "I have nothing to say to any of you," I replied evenly, my voice laced with a quiet determination.

The Lestrange brothers exchanged amused glances before stepping closer, their intimidation tactics on full display. I felt a mixture of anger and unease bubbling within me, but I refused to show any signs of weakness.

"Watch your tongue, blood traitor," Rabastan Lestrange sneered, his eyes filled with malice. "You may think you're special, but you'll always be tainted by that Gryffindor filth."

Their words cut deep, but I refused to let them see the impact it had on me. I held my head high, a defiant fire burning within my eyes. "The only filth I see is the hatred that consumes your hearts," I retorted, my voice steady despite the anger that simmered beneath the surface.

Lucius Malfoy's expression twisted into a mask of contempt. "You're playing a dangerous game, Potter. Don't think for a moment that you can escape the consequences of your bloodline."

With a cold smile, I met his gaze, unyielding in the face of their threats. "I have never been one to shy away from a challenge," I said, my voice laced with a steely resolve. "If you think your words will deter me, you severely underestimate my determination."

"Why you little piece of shit" Anger was written all over Lucius' Face. Unexpectedly he casted a spell towards me to which I fortunately dodged.

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