Chapter 9: A friend to lean on

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Draco wandered between the shelves full of books in the Hogwarts library, searching for a familiar face. His heart raced with anticipation and nervousness as he spotted Hermione engrossed in a thick volume at one of the tables. Taking a deep breath, Draco approached her cautiously.

"Hermione, may I speak with you for a moment?" Draco asked, almost a whisper.

Hermione looked up, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Of course, Draco. What's on your mind?" She closed her book and gestured for Draco to take a seat across from her.

Draco hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts before speaking. He trusted Hermione, and believed in her ability to listen without judgment.

Nervously, Draco began "I... I have something to confess, Hermione. It's about someone... someone I've developed feelings for. I trust you, Hermione, and I need your advice. I've never known true friendship before you guys, let alone love."

Hermione's eyes widened slightly, and she leaned in attentively, ready to lend her support.

Draco took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing. He had to choose his words carefully, ensuring that Hermione wouldn't suspect his true feelings for Harry. "There's someone... someone I've grown quite close to lately. And, well, I can't help but have feelings for them. It's complicated, you see. I'm not sure if they feel the same way, and I'm torn between revealing my feelings or keeping them hidden."

Hermione nodded slightly "I see. It sounds like a delicate situation. Have you considered how this person might react if they were to discover your feelings?" she said.

"That's what worries me. I don't want to jeopardize our friendship, but at the same time, I can't ignore these emotions any longer. It's been eating at me, Hermione." Draco said.

"Sometimes, it's worth taking a risk, Draco. Love can be complicated, but keeping your feelings bottled up will only cause more turmoil in the long run. Perhaps you should find a way to subtly express your interest and gauge their reaction." said Hermione.

"That's good advice. It's just... I'm afraid of the potential consequences. I don't want to lose them." Draco looked down at the table.

Hermione placed a reassuring hand on Draco's hands "I understand your concerns, but you won't know unless you try. And remember, honesty is the key. If this person truly values your friendship, they will appreciate your honesty and respect your feelings, even if they don't return them."

Draco, taking a deep breath, before answering "You're right. I need to summon the courage to have that conversation. Thank you, Hermione. Your advice means a lot to me. I'll take it to heart and find a way to navigate this complicated path."

Feeling a newfound sense of clarity and determination, Draco thanked Hermione for her guidance, knowing that he could rely on her wisdom and discretion. With her counsel in mind, he left the library with renewed purpose, ready to embark on the journey of revealing his feelings to the one he held dear, hoping that his secret love interest would return his feelings.

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