Chapter 10: Magical creatures

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In Hagrid's class, Care of Magical Creatures, Harry found himself, again, paired with Draco for a project involving a Hippogriff. And by the looks of it, Draco had overcome his fear of Hippogriffs.

Harry did actually drop this class after his O.W.Ls, but this year was a redo year. He only picked up this class again, to show some support to Hagrid.

As they worked together, Harry couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in his feelings towards Draco. The way Draco handled the magical creature with care and confidence, his eyes sparkling with genuine fascination - it captivated Harry in a way he couldn't fully comprehend.

Harry's heart would skip a beat whenever Draco's hand brushed against his own, their fingers accidentally touching as they prepared the Hippogriff's food. Harry found himself stealing glances at Draco, admiring his features and the way his blond hair fell perfectly into place. It was confusing and exhilarating, leaving Harry with a flurry of conflicting emotions.

"What's happening to me? Why do I feel this way about Draco? We've always been at odds, but now... I can't deny there's something different between us." Harry thought to himself.

Though his heart stirred with the possibility of something more, Harry kept his feelings hidden, unsure of their meaning and uncertain of Draco's own feelings. He didn't want to jeopardize the newfound friendship they had forged over the past months by confessing his confusing emotions.

Harry's internal monologue continued "It's probably just a phase, a fleeting attraction. I shouldn't read too much into it. Draco deserves better than my confusing emotions. Draco is more than what I thought he was. There's depth and complexity to him. Maybe it's natural to develop these feelings when you spend so much time with someone."

Despite his growing feelings, Harry pushed his emotions aside, focusing on their project and the tasks at hand. He would remain a loyal friend to Draco, offering encouragement and support without revealing the internal battle within his own heart.

"I won't let these confusing emotions affect our friendship. Draco deserves my friendship, my loyalty. That's what matters most." Harry thought.

And so, Harry continued to keep his feelings to himself, burying them deep within his heart. He treasured the time they spent together in Care of Magical Creatures class, cherishing the bond they were slowly building. He hoped that by staying true to their friendship, he would find clarity and peace within himself, even if it meant setting his own desires aside. Little did he know that fate had a way of unraveling secrets and revealing truths, and perhaps, in due time, his own feelings would find their voice and be ready to be shared with Draco.​

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