Chapter 15: Slytherin Common Room

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Later that evening, when most students were fast asleep, Draco and Harry found themselves in the Slytherin Common room. They had met by the lake, and talked a little, both too nervous to get the conversation going, so they had agreed upon going back to the castle, and going to the Slytherin common room. Harry had brought his invisibility cloak, so they could go in, unnoticed. Now, they sat by the fireplace. The fire had died down to a few glowing coals, but the room was still warm enough for them to sit on the floor and talk quietly together. "So.. what do you think.. about us I mean?" Harry asked Draco. "I'm not sure how to answer that question. It's hard to explain.. I've never felt anything like it, and I don't want it to stop!" Draco answered.

Harry looked at Draco "So, what do we do about it?" He asked. "I guess we could keep going until we get caught.." Draco suggested "Or we could try something else..."

Harry's eyes widened in slight surprise "What are you thinking? He asked Draco curiously

"Well, I really want to kiss you again like this morning.. I mean.. I really liked it. I just haven't had the chance since then." Said Draco

"You do?" Harry asked, surprised. He hadn't dared to hope that Draco really liked it as much as he did. "Yes.." said Draco, staring into Harry's deep green eyes. "Let's go into my room. It's private.. One of the benefits of the Malfoy name I guess." Draco stood, and took Harry's hand to help him up on his feet. They walked silently to Draco's room. When they got to the room, Draco shut the door behind them, and locked it. Then he turned around and pulled Harry close to him. "I Really like kissing you" Draco whispered. Harry pressed his lips against Draco's. They kissed softly for several minutes, their tongues dancing together. "Mmmm.." Draco moaned, breaking the kiss. "Do you want to take your shirt off?" He asked Harry "Sure" Harry nodded, and reached between them to undo the buttons, revealing his smooth chest I the process.






Harry fell limp on the bed, panting. Draco smiled and then climbed off of Harry. "I love you." he said, crawling over Harry and lying next to him. Harry turned to face him and wrapped his arms around him. Draco smiled at him. "I love you too." Harry replied, kissing Draco deeply. They lay there for a moment, both panting. They fell asleep in each other's arms

Next morning, Harry had to sneak back to the Gryffindor common room before anyone saw him. He went straight to the bathroom and changed into clean clothes. He then went downstairs to breakfast, where everyone was talking about their plans for the day. Harry sat down with his friends and listened to what they were planning to do. "I'm going to go study in the library." Hermione said. "Me too!" said Ron. Draco walked in. He looked at Harry and winked at him. Harry blushed. Hermione looked puzzled at Harry. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing." Harry said, smiling at her. "Oh well, so are you going to the library today?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm going to visit the library." Harry said, grinning at her.

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