chapter six

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Going back to her life was Hell. The absolute contrast of leaving Jack, after such a beautiful and passionate moment to the contents of her life as an engaged woman made her stomach bubble from nerves and utter dread, of the reaction which awaited her and if Cal was awaiting her still without emptying the contents of brandy down his neck.

Each step was causing her to tremble even more than the last. There was fear but also, knowing of what would await her there; Cal was not a man to be uttered a cross word with and Rose felt there would be more than words exchanged.

However much as Jack had pleaded to return with her, she had refused. His very presence would stir up a lot more trouble than she even dared to think of. He could wind up hurt. She had to face this alone. Rose had made the decision to leave and so, she would face that decision without the aid of another.

Her eyes were stinging tired, her hair a mess of tumbling curls and yet Jack had still held her as they had said goodbye. Rose's appearance was a far cry from the vision she had been the night she and Jack had met, or even the last time which they had met and yet, he still felt to pull at her harder and love her with his mouth more.

The need for her return pulled at Rose, did she really need to be there, but she owed her mother at least some sort of explanation. Perhaps even owed her a goodbye. Even though every single part of her was completely telling her to never return to the world in which she had been born, and all that she had ever known.

Would that have been such a travesty?

As soon as Rose entered the sitting room, she sensed his lingering presence. The time read that it was after midnight. The hope that he had calmed sat within Rose but she knew that more than likely it would not be the case. He never did cease to stop until either of them was wrung through; this didn’t happen often, but when it did, it would linger for days.

''I have awaited your return for seven hours.’’

Rose felt his voice prickle up her spine. He wore the same less than lavish suit which he had worn hours previous, his hair had rapidly fallen out of place and hung almost desperately in his eyes. He was tired, sluggish and although Rose sensed he hadn't touched a drink in hours, the smell of it still lingered about. Her mother would have been abed for some hours and for that she was thankful.

''How thoughtful of you,’’ her reply came as a lash of disgust toward Cal. Her body seemed to stand taller than before, her shoulders back and weightless. As soon as he saw the difference in her, instantly he stood. His stance frightened Rose, or at least the pace of it; quick and cat-like, about to attack its prey.

‘’You don’t appear to have learned from the little talk that we had earlier. You chose to eat elsewhere--’’

Rose pressed her lips together, feeling the anger rise within as she cut off his words instantly. She would not be reasoning with him at this hour, she would instead be laying out her own rules and taking the control of her own life; it was about time.

''Cal, I am not a child,’’ her voice raised, ''I did not eat elsewhere. The events of the last few days have reduced my appetite.'' That much was the truth. She started for her bedroom, one foot and then the other...

‘’Do not just walk away from me.’' Cal warned, his voice raising within seconds. ‘’You look at me when I am talking to you--’’ His hand reached out to grasp her own but she pulled it away, snatching herself away from his grip.

‘’Put your hands on me like that again and I will scream so loud that you will not know what has hit you.’’ Her eyes were in flames, severity in them, warning him away like a red light.

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