Chapter One

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Amelia's Pov
"Ameila sweetie come on, I know it's hard but will be okay. I promise." I had tore my eyes away for a moment away from the one place called home, it may have not been my birth place but I still watched many things happened, my family was here they took care of me.

I was a little sick but that never stopped them from caring about me. The war took a great toll on everyone and all Jake wanted was everyone to be safe, even if that meant running away and not wanting to fight anymore.

"No matter what kind of Na'vi Jake.. I'm gonna be cast aside as a sky demon." I spoke my final fears that had lingered on my chest, the over sized breeze rushed through the large size of my old dyed blonde curly afro, I managed to turn around when a hand was placed on my shoulders giving it a soft squeeze, he lead me over to his Ikran, saddling it up climbing up.  He allowed to me to get behind him, I found comfort in my dad figure holding onto his waist hearing his muffled voice speak to me in a soft like tone.

"Nothing will happen to you, and you know that you are my daughter too. I just want you all safe okay? Your brothers are here too and your sisters." I kept my face hidden in his back even more glad that my oxygen mask could keep many of my emotions away from everyone's eyes. All I found myself doing was nodding sleepy like.

"Okay dad." I said in a quiet tone, with a sudden loud call out. We all were taking off over the cliff into the sky leaving behind a forest of great land and home for journey across the ocean, for the Metkayina clan.

For days in the air we were, I never felt air sick in my life but the thought of dropping from the sky and never been seen again, had me almost vomiting in place. I couldn't even sleep even if I wanted to hearing the others teasing and laughing with one another, you could still see the exhaustion between everyone, after a few deep swoops and dives in the air we landed on a white sandy beach area.

My small form almost fell over in my exhaustion, dismount we had in no time. I sleepy blinked my eyes when Neteyam was coming towards me, after Jake muttering about being on him. Neteyam pulled me so my body was pressed between him and Lo'ak.

I was too tired to argue leaning into his large arms of my brother. We looked around at the whole clan that had gathered around. Their shades of blue was much lighter than what I was using to seeing, like a royal blue or green. Their tails wider like fish.

"I see you Tonowari." I tensed up seeing some boys around Neteyam, Kiri, Lo'ak and I's age. They were trying to be calm as well doing the I see you gesture, yet the boys were just laughing and smirking looking at us all with disgust and laughs circling around us.

"They call this a tail? What is this?" Lo'ak was pissed snatching his tail away. Neteyam spinning around.

"Look they even have a sky demon with them! They aren't real Na'vi!"  A little pang of guilt hit me before Neteyam was grumbling out.

"Leave her alone she doesn't mean any harm she is our sister." He snapped out even more, I was still too exhausted to process that they might not even take us, some had demon blood and some of us were still sky people.

"Please I just wanna protect my family.. I bring no war here I'm done fighting.. My daughter Ameila means no harm as well. She's a sick human, her lungs." He gestured. I blinked my eyes a couple times looking to the side for a moment, the adults seemed to be bickering and talking with one another with harsh glares and words.

"They will stay with us!" Chief Tonowari yelled out over to his people.

"They will learn the ways of our people.. Of the water they are like babies. My daughter and son will be teaching your children including the human. Tsierya and Ao'nung will reach them." I blinked in confusion when one of the boys who was teasing everyone, looked in disbelief and annoyance.

"Dad no." He barely snapped out before he was turning back to face all of us, like he was dismissing the thought.

"My daughter Tsierya will show you your new home." I saw the pretty girl who Lo'ak was eyeing smile brightly, stepping towards us all with a kind smile.

"Come I will show you." She beamed out looking between us all, with a soft expression in her large eyes. I felt Neteyam had squeeze at me to follow, my eyes quickly snapping to see Ao'nung was watching me with his head tilted to the side a scowl present.

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