I Need You - Joe Liebgott

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fluff - fem oc "Marigold"

(listen to any glenn miller song when you read this tee hee)

no warnings, just good ol' fluff


"There she is!" Liebgott yelled from his seat at the bar, raising his glass full of beer high up into the air like a victory chant.

The troopers at the bar all snapped their gaze towards the entrance of the bar, seeing the woman smile in embarrassment from the sudden attention as she made her way towards Joe. The military men had just finished their return journey home and most went to celebrate in their towns.

"Goldie! How's it been?" Liebgott asked after she stood next to him. Her long curls were neatly kept and she wore a beautiful emerald dress.

"Great, Joe." Marigold greeted him. "How about you? You told me in the letter that you had so many stories to tell me."

"Yeah! I was thinkin' that we could go back to Ma's place sometime, catch up." He told her. Joseph Liebgott had been away for years with the war, so much had happened. Marigold and Joe grew up inseparable, they were neighborhood best friends for as long as they could remember, and they constantly wrote to each other through this leave.

"I've missed you." Marigold said. She flushed at her own tone. Of course they had expressed those same words in their letters but never like that.

Joe looked at her for a moment before looking at the crowd of men all around in the bar. He took her hand and gestured for them to head outside. Marigold followed him as they weaved through the place. As they both stepped outside, the fresh air made them both feel tremendously better.

Joe's gentle grasp on Marigold's hand warmed her skin and she felt that she could just gush out all of her true feelings right then and there.

"Sorry that I asked to see you there, you deserve something more one-on-one." Joe sheepishly said, realizing his hand still held her's. He let go of her hand and led her to stand beneath a tree with him - it was secluded enough for a good conversation.

"I don't care where I see you, Joe. I'm just glad I'm able to." Marigold's eyes watered with emotion, thinking about how lucky he was to survive the war.

Joe immediately hugged her with such fervor that he thought if he let go, she wouldn't be there. It had been a long couple of years.

"Oh Goldie." He whispered into her hair.

She tightened her grasp around him, gladly basking in his warmth.

He leaned back to look at her with eyes full of tears.

"It's been too long, yeah?" He smiled.

"Yeah." Marigold gave a watery laugh.

Joe paused for a moment, choosing his words with trepidation.

"Bein' gone for that long- it's made me realize somethin'." He murmured, cupping her face. "I need you."

Marigold pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, her hands moving to behind his neck, pulling them closer to each other.

Joe tenderly brushed her lips with his thumb.

"How about we head back to your place?" He whispered. "I can't wait to tell you everything."

"I'd love that, Joe." Marigold beamed.


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