Fool For Love - George Luz

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fluff - fem oc "Aurora"

(currently laying in bed as i write this lol)

tw (kinda): smut-like behavior, mainly fluff (sleepy fluff)


The sunrise peaked through the cracks of the window blinds and poured all over the bedroom. It casted a warm glow all over the couple in their cozy bed.

Aurora groaned and wrapped her arm further around George's torso. Her palm pressed flat against his chest - feeling his heart beat over his shirt. She sighed contently and pressed a lazy kiss to the back of his neck.

"Mmm, Rory?" He mumbled with heavy traces of sleep in his tone.

"Yeah, love?" Aurora asked with her eyes still shut.

"Can we stay here today?" George inquired, turning to lay on his back.

Aurora pressed a kiss to his chest after opening her eyes finally.

"That sounds like a great idea." She smiled.

"I know, babe. I'm full of 'em." George smirked, then grabbed Aurora's face and began to pepper kisses everywhere - earning tons of giggles.

"Gosh you're too much, George." Aurora pushed him off then straddled his hips, not letting him attack her anymore.

"And you love it." He playfully scoffed then pulled her chin down for more kisses, except they were hungrier.

Aurora broke from the kisses, panting.

"I'm awake now." She blushed.

"Good, cause I'm done bein' down here." George said before switching her to lay on her back while he hovered over her.

"I love you, George." Aurora ran her hand up his back, tracing gently with her fingernails.

"I love you, Rory." He kissed her neck, sucking and nipping on her skin. She instantly melted and her brain turned fuzzy as she burned with desire.

"Don't stop." Aurora moaned.

George chuckled into her neck.

The rest of the day, as promised, was spent in that bed. The next day, however, Aurora slightly regretted her actions when she found that she could hardly walk right on her own... but George loved every minute of it.


a/n: this one was shorter, but it was fun! no george luz imagine is right without his amazing humor <3

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