Two Of Us - Richard Winters

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fluff - fem oc "Rose"

no warnings


"What are you doing, Dick?" Rose asked with a toothbrush in her mouth, watching the man rummage through the dresser.

"Where's your swimsuit?" He inquired, completely ignoring her question.

"It's under my-"

"Found it." Richard grinned and placed it on their bed, then going around Rose to get into the bathroom.

"We're going swimming?" She asked giddily, spitting out the toothpaste and discarding the toothbrush.

Richard nodded and kissed Rose's cheek, pulling two towels out of the bathroom with him.

"I'll get changed." She beamed after snatching her bathing suit and running back to the bathroom.


"This place is beautiful." Rose whispered in awe. Her eyes took in the scene before her: clear water, gorgeous mountain range, and tall trees.

"I used so swim here every morning before I left for home." Richard explained. His time in Austria during the war held his fondest memories - from what Rose could tell. It had been three years since he'd returned home, the couple met in his hometown just a week after. Since then, Richard had planned a trip to Austria with Rose so they could get a change in scenery. He also had another plan, but that would be for later.

Rose took her swimsuit cover off and stepped towards the edge of the pier, breathing in the fresh air. Richard stood behind her, his hands placed themselves on her waist.

"Gosh, I love you." She beamed and turned around to face him, pressing a kiss to his lips.

Richard's heart skipped a beat as he looked at her. His mind went rampant with nerves when he remembered his plans for that night - a proposal.

"Let's jump in, yeah?" She urged.

He nodded and pulled his shirt over his head. The two shared a glance before diving in the lake.

Once Rose resurfaced, she laughed and pushed her wet hair off of her forehead.

Richard swam towards her and let her arms wrap around his neck.

"I wish we could stay like this forever, just the two of us." Rose sighed.

"That's not a bad idea, Rose." Richard cooed, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Let's check out this area over here, it's more shallow."

"That sounds perfect."


The sun set and the two sat on their balcony, each with a plate of food.

Rose sighed contently and leaned back in her chair after she finished her last bite.

"You're so good to me." She gazed endearingly at Richard. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and his hand went to his pocket, reaching for the ring.

"I love you, Rose." He said. His eyes flickered to her lips, then he stood up taking her hand in his. She did the same, smiling.

"I love you." Rose told him.

He paused, recollecting his thoughts as he looked at the woman he loved. Richard fell head over heels when he first met her - Rose's eyes were blue and enchanting. He swore to himself that he could get lost looking at them for hours if he had nothing else to do.

"Rose, just less than three years have gone by where I've been by your side. You've taught me how to grow from my past while you've also taught me how to cherish it. You're one in a million and I want to grow old with you." Richard said and squeezed her hand.

Rose gasped and brought her hand to her mouth as she watched him get down on one knee.

"Rose, will you marry me?" He asked, pulling out the ring for her. It was gold and beautiful, simple, but that was what Rose had always envisioned. It felt like a dream. He was a dream.

"Yes, of course! Yes!" She cried, pulling up for a loving embrace. Rose hung onto him so hard that he felt his head spin. It was a breath taking hug, literally.

They broke apart and he tenderly kissed her. His hand cupping her cheek.

"I love you." Richard murmured.

"I love you." She returned, resting her forehead on his when he slid the gold band onto her ring finger.



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