Mdzs react

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[TW]: Yelling, and me accidentally hurting myself

<Summary>: Mdzs reacts to me and kino!

Enjoy the chapter!


3rd pov:

"Ello welcome back!" I said welcoming the mdzs characters back to the reaction room and sitting them down, "Today we're reacting to mostly kino plus some others!" I said cheerfully while throwing away some paper. "Does anyone need anything before we start?" All of the mdzs characters shook their heads, I smiled then realized I forgot someone. "One sec I forgot someone!" I teleported lixue into the reaction room and sat her down.

"Oh are we reacting again?" Lixue asked while looking at everyone, "Yep we're reacting again" Wei ying said while slouching back in his chair. Lixue giggled at wei ying and looked forward at the screen. I started the first clip and everyone look forward.

The first clip showed kino talking to someone.

Nonie kino: Hey ann you said you wanted to met here?

Ann ma: U-uh y-yea

Nonie kino: *Tilts her head* You okay? Do you have a fever? *Touches ann's head*

Ann ma: N-No I'm fine, I want to ask you something.

Nonie kino: Oh what is it?

Ann ma: Would you like to be my girlfriend?

"... When did this happen?" Lixue asked with a scary smile on her face, "About a week ago" Lan qiren said. "You knew this whole time!" Lan qiren nodded his head "Why didn't you tell me that kino got a girlfriend!?" Lixue was surprised but also mad that she didn't get to know that kino was dating someone first. "She was going to tell you soon she was just waiting until a week passed by to make official" Lixue hummed in response.

Nonie kino: *Blushing* M-Me are you sure?

Ann ma: *Nods*

Nonie kino: Of course I would!

Ann ma: *Gets up & hugs kino* Thank you kino

Somewhere in the bushes.

Jiang cheng: What the hell!

Jin ling: Yea what the hell!

Jiang cheng: Jin ling? Arn't you supposed to be with sizhui?

Jin ling: Arn't you supposed to be with Xichen?

Jiang cheng: ......We don't talk about this *Holds out hand*

Jin ling: Agreed *Shakes jc's hand*

The clip end with chuckling and whispered while lan qiren and lixue look at the screen dumbfounded. "Did they really do that?" Lan qiren asked while ponting to the screen, I nodded my head and lan qiren shook his head while putting his hand on his forehead "Man my son is stupid" Jiang fengmian balled his fist, He didn't like that lan qiren thought of jiang cheng as his own son.

Yanli noticed her fathers reaction and elbowed him in the stomach, Fengmian groaned and looked at his daughter to see her glaring at him. Fengmian sighed and crossed his arms while look away from the screen, "Crap wrong clip!" I yelled.

The clip was titled 'Bugs accidentally hurting/or almost hurting herself compilation'

Me: *Hit's elbow on the dresser* Fuck! *Falls down on the floor*


Me: Hazel [My cat] Come here- *Hit legs on the table* "God!-"


Me: *Lighting fireworks & gets stab in the foot by a tree branch* "Mhm fuck"


Me: Hey teddy [My dog] *Get scratched by teddy* "Ow!"


Me: *Sighs & hits my leg on the bed frame* *Rolls on my bed in pain*


Me: *Get's burned by my brother* "You bitch I'll fucking hurt you"


Me: *Almost gets shot with a firework* "Pfft let do it again!"


Me: "Ben ne ne NE!" *Foot goes into a 'V' shape* "Owwwww"


Me: *Gets bit by my cat* "Fuck! Stop that I feed you!"


Me: *Opens door and trips* "Fuck!"


Me: *Gets head butted by my brother's dog* "Mhm ow"


Me: *Sigh* *Cat bites my head* "Ack you bitch!"


The clip stopped and everyone stared in horror, "Are you okay! How do you hurt yourself that much!" "......That was only 0.5% of the video" I said. "WHAT!?" I teleported them away from the reaction room while biting my lip, "This isn't gonna end well huh" "Nope" Younger me said while sitting back waiting for chaos to ensue.


I back to updating this book!

Bye, My lovely little pandas! <3

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