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Heeseung and yn had their dinner but heeseung noticed something was wrong with yn. She didn't eat her food she was playing with it.


I noticed something is wrong with yn. Seems like something with going on in her mind. I decided to ask her.

Me : yn.
I called her in a soft tone.
Yn just hummed in reply.
Heeseung : Hey, is something wrong? You can tell me if anything happened.
I said softly. I was trying my best to know what happened with her.


Heeseung asked me again if something was wrong. I wanted to ask him about my parents but I still can't believe lino. I just met lino today. I don't want to believe him so I decided not to say anything about my encounter with lino to heeseung.

Me : no, everything is alright. The school was tiring today. That's all and after school I had to walk alone.
I said in a childish way.
Heeseung laughed at my reply and seeing my childish behaviour.
I glared at him.

Heeseung : sorry. And I'm again sorry for not able to fetch you today.
He said.
Yn : hmm. Btw where did you go today?
Heeseung : well, just catching up with a friend.
Yn : *gasped dramatically* you put me on hold for a friend?
She asked in a dramatic way.
Heeseung laughed at her behaviour.

Yn : I thought you loved me so much. But you just left me for a friend. I thought we had something.
She continued with her drama.
Heeseung didn't know how to reply to her words. Her words made him blush.

Heeseung : ok ok , enough with your drama. Eat your food and go to sleep.
Heeseung said in a dad tone (I don't really know how to explain the tone)


After eating their food they went to there rooms to sleep.
It was midnight but neither one of them could fall asleep. A lot of things were going on their mind.


Heeseung was staring out of the window in his room thinking about what Jungkook said to him.
He know what Jungkook told him is the only way to keep her safe but he does not want to hurt her. He sighed and tried to sleep.


Yn was laying in her bed staring at the ceiling, still thinking about lino. The things he said couldn't leave her mind. She didn't know who to trust anymore. The fact that lino know about her dreams makes her think he is saying the truth? but heeseung... She had known Heeseung for her whole life and why would he lie to her? These questions were occupied in her mind. She tried to sleep but couldn't.
"I need to see lino again. He knows about my parents. If I know the truth I can ask heeseung. I can doubt him without proof." she thought.


Yn was in her class, Han besides her. She was trying her best to stay awake. She didn't get any sleep last night as she was thinking about lino.
Han noticed that she was tired.

Han : Hey, you okay?
Han asked worriedly.
Yn : yea yea I'm totally fine.
She replied half asleep.
Han : you seems wasted. Did you sleep last night?
Yn : yea, no I didn't.
She said.

Han sighed and said.
Han : wanna tell me what happened?

When Han asked that question she didn't know what to do. "Can I trust him?" Was the thing on her kind now. She had know him for a while now and he had always been so sweet and caring. She decided to trust him.

Yn : yea, but not now I'll tell you during lunch. I don't want to be in detention for talking in class.
Han : *laughs slightly* yea fine.


Han and yn was seated. Tzuyu had a fever so she was not able to go to school today. Yn was thankful that she had Han with her now otherwise it would have been awkward for her to be all alone at school.

Han : so what do you want to talk about?
He asked while eating.
Yn : *sighs* you might think I'm crazy after you hear what I want to say.
She said.

Han gave her a questioning look.
Han : you don't trust me?
He said sulking.
Yn : no. No like that I trust you ofc.
Han smiled.

Yn just sighed again before speaking.
Yn : well you know that I'm living with Heeseung ryt?
Han : yea why? Wait. Did HE do something?
Han said raising his voice.
Yn : aish, calm down. No he didn't do anything. Just stop interrupting and listen to me.
Han nodded with a sigh of relief.

Yn told Han everything about what happened including her back story about her parents.
Can she trust Han? We'll know soon.

Han : well, I don't think this Heeseung guy is trustworthy.
He said.
Yn : how can you say that? You don't even know him.
Han : by what you said I think he can't be trusted.
Yn : then what? You believe lino? He said vampires exist. You believe him?
She asked with widen eyes.

Han : yea. Ofc yes. If he knows about your nightmares then he's really saying the truth. I think you should trust him instead of heeseung.
Yn just sighed not knowing what to reply.

Han : Hey, don't think about it too much. The lino guy said he'll meet you again ryt? When that happens you can ask him everything.
Han said while putting a hand on her shoulder.
Yn just nodded and smiled at Han.

Yn : thanks. I feel like a big weight has been lifted off of my head.
Han : *smiles* you can always trust me with anything yn. I won't judge you.
Yn smiled.


I am happy that I gain yn's trust. But I want heeseung to stay away from her. One day will come when I can kill heeseung with my own hands. Anyways I'm happy now that I have yn with me. It's good thing she decided to trust me otherwise things would have been harder.


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