Chapter 1

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The small city you lived in, Detroit, Michigan, was not the greatest. It was full of druggies, gangs, and delinquent kids, constant police sirens played around your street. You'd admit, you did choose the worst spot of Detroit, but at least the houses were cheap... somewhat. $800 in rent was not the best, considering you only got around $500 each paycheck, you made the rest of rent and food up with the tips you received at the end of each and every shift, considering you were in Westside Detroit the tips were pretty good. You'd leave each shift with about 60 to 70 dollars worth of tips, which means by the end of the week you would have around 300-350 dollars worth of tips, plus your check.

You were currently saving up to get the fuck out of Detroit, let alone Michigan. There was absolutely nothing to do here, besides watch the local crackheads converse and beg for money. It was sort of funny to watch them claim to be veterans or some other wild things they could claim, to simply get pity money. To be honest, it seemed they made a lot. You had contemplated on stealing one of their corners, roughing yourself up and claiming that you were a homeless mother of 3. Where the kids would come in to play, you weren't completely sure but you could always claim they stayed with their aunt, right? You were currently trying to add up how much money you had made in tips as you walked home, Detroit is known for being Motor City but shit cars were expensive nowadays. Plus there were too many cars this late at night, drive by shooters, drug dealers, tired workers going home from their late shifts, too many dickheads on the road for you to deal with after constantly getting screamed at by unhappy customers and karens demanding to speak with your manager.

You had made around 67 dollars in tips that day, those tips were getting split as evenly as possible, one half going into your saving jar and the other going towards bills, rent, and food. Considering you had almost a full months worth of rent ready, you only needed a few dollars from said tips to finish off $800. You slowly start to approach your street as you search your pockets for your keys, trying to speed up the pace to get home faster. You noticed there were way too many crackheads near your street and you really didn't want to risk getting mugged or stabbed.. some how. After a short while longer of you walking you make it to your front door, you slid your key into the door and unlocked it, stepping in with a sigh. You shrugged your hoodie off and slipped your shoes off, lining them neatly by your door, out of the way. You skipped up to the bathroom to take a shower and relax for the night before another excruciating shift the next morning, as you did that you went to your room and put an even amount of tips into your saving jar, some into the rent jar and left the rest on your night stand. Grabbing clothes on the way out of your room, you skipped to the bathroom, starting up the shower you stared in the mirror. Purpleish bags under your e/c eyes, your s/c skin a little more grey than usual, you looked dead.

That didn't surprise you, you worked in a shitty café, with shitty customers, a shitty boss, and shitty team members. You despised that job with a passion but that was the only job that really paid well without the risk of you possibly getting stuck in a drive by shooting, you shrugged and started stripping so you could take your nice hot shower to relax your tensed muscles.


You were now laying in your bed, just watching some random Netflix show, personally, you only put it on as background noise while you read what news you had missed this morning when you had to leave. Just some random killings that had happened, way too close to home but you weren't really surprised considering, it's West Side Detroit after all. They described the killing in full detail, you just made a mental note to avoid that area (even though you never went that way) at all costs, not really trying to die anytime soon. You at least wanted to get married first, or at least lose your virginity. 24 years old and still a virgin, it was kinda sad but you really didn't mind it, considering most of the guys that tried to fuck you only wanted a quick nut n go. Always a booty call, never the first choice as depressing as that was. You didn't really care though, you wanted to focus on getting the ever loving hell out of Michigan, and to like, Miami or something. You didn't really have a plan on where you were gonna go, or how you were gonna leave, considering your basically broke ass had no car or extra money for plane tickets. You looked up plane tickets a while ago, and saw they were so expensive, $600 dollars for a plane ticket to Connecticut was not in your budget. The future didn't seem to bother you though, you honestly just wanted out of Detroit and then maybe you'll leave Michigan. You pushed those thoughts away and closed your laptop, turning the tv off as well, setting the laptop and remote on your night stand you curl up under your blankets and try to get an ounce of sleep before your next shift tomorrow.

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