Chapter 2

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You were currently getting ready for work, considering it was now 6am and you were opening today. The last day of your work week, Friday, the best day of your life every time. You get to go home, watch some Hannibal, laze around, get some laundry done, sleep in till 2 pm and so much more, but hey, at least you're making money right? As you were doing your hair you received a call, your best friend was calling. You quickly answered and set your phone up so she could see you, "Heyyyyyy" he said instantly, "why did you call you little gremlin fuck. you're up to something." you shot back glaring at the phone, the tone in his voice wasn't good. "Wow, rude. BUT- guess who got a job" he said, with a big smile on his face. "Where do you work now?- And is Maya happy with it?" you asked, looking back at the mirror to continue getting ready for work, "Wellllll... don't be mad at me buttt- I got a job at your café" he said, "Oh and yes, Maya is okay with it." he added quickly, you deadpanned to the phone. "Asher. what the fuck do you mean my café. You don't live in Detroit." you said, a little hostile you'll admit. "Surpriseeeee....." His gremlin smile dropped to a coy smile, "YOU FUCKING MOVED HERE????" you screamed, staring wide eyed at the phone.

"Maybeeeeee- it's only temporary though, probably like a year maybe. I don't like Detroit so it may be a little less time." he said, thinking about how long he'd be living in Detroit for. Considering you both knew the shit that would go on in this area of Detroit, you both hated the idea of living here, with all the crackheads and drug dealers and all that. It only takes one miscommunication with you and a drug dealer before you end up dead in some alley way, they weren't really the kindest here but you always held your tongue when needed. "Ash, I love you but holy fuck dude how bad did it get for you to move here." you asked, sort of, more of a 'what the fuck is going on in your mind to want to live here, what happened to you not wanting to be near here' question, he laughed "Bad is all I have to say, but I figured I'd let you know since I'm gonna be opening with you today" he said, taking a drag of his vape "I'm gonna go get ready now and make breakfast for Maya to wake up to" he added after he exhaled the smoke. "Alright, be safe dude" you quickly said, "You as well Y/N, farewell till work!" he said, you laughed and said a quick goodbye, hanging the phone up. Finishing whatever you were currently doing you rushed out of the bathroom, phone in hand and grabbed your keys. You slid your work shoes on and sighed, walking out you locked the door quickly before closing it. 'Off to work i go... yayyyy...' you thought whilst walking.


It was now the afternoon, sadly you wouldn't get off till 2pm today. Anytime you opened you always had to stay back and help more, otherwise it'd just go to shit when you left. It really shows how shitty people worked, you didn't really care though. You understood more than anything actually, after working there for 2 years you'd contemplate slacking off like them. But you couldn't, you couldn't risk getting fired from your job. You stood at the cash register taking orders as a man with medium length blackish brownish hair, some thick sideburns and a tan jacket walked up, "Hi welcome to Lucky Locks Café, what would you like today?" you said, putting on a tired smile. "I'll just take a medium roast coffee, no cream and no sugar, a light roast coffee with 4 sugars and 3 cream, and just a hot chocolate please." he said staring down at you, shit he was tall, it was intimidating. You nodded, "What size for each drink?" you asked, "Medium for all, please." he said. You nodded once again, "Anything else I can do for you?" you asked, just doing your job, he shook his head. "Alright that'll be $16.32, and a name for the order?" you looked up from the screen, he handed you the money, "Tim." he said, you nodded and put the money in the register, "Alright I'll call your name out when your order is done!" you said, skipping away as there were no more customers to tend to, you instantly started getting peoples orders done. order after order you finally got to the last one, you walked over with the drinks in a drink holder, "Order for Tim?" you looked around, expectantly.

He walked up and took the carrier, "Thank you." he said quickly walking out of the store, you sighed and looked at the time, 1:42 it read, you went to the clock in machine and clocked out, "I'm leaving now! Good luck with rush hour later!" you called out to the workers that were there and walked out of the staff only door in the back, you took your apron off and just draped it around your neck as you walked home, soon Ash pulled up next to you. "Get in dumbass" he said, you rolled your eyes and got in, "Trying to kidnap me huh? you seem to like waiting for me" you joked as you buckled up, he looked at you with a 'stfu' look, "yeah because I'd love to kidnap you and sell you on the black market where no one will buy you." he said sarcastically. you scoffed "A lot of people would buy me actually. so hah." you stuck your tongue out playfully, just trying to poke fun, considering Ash was like your older brother, he was 27, with a girlfriend and a much better life planned out than you had planned for yourself. You didn't mind this though, it just gave you more motivation to do something with your life and not end up like the crackheads on the corners.

Shortly after that conversation ended he pulled up to your house, you thanked him and got out of his truck. Fiddling with your keys you grabbed your house key, walking up to the door you turn back and see Ash waiting there until you get inside, you were glad he did that otherwise you'd be panicked. You unlocked your door and stepped in, closing the door behind you, after you had closed the door you slipped your shoes off and put them in the spot they were in this morning. Thankfully you didn't have to worry about coming home to a messy house, you lived alone and always kept it looking like those houses in the magazines you read as a kid while waiting at the dentists or the doctors office, you went to the kitchen and set the keys on the counter along with your apron. Sighing you grabbed some food to make, since you didn't eat this morning you decided to eat now. Grabbing some pizza rolls, you threw some in the air fryer and let them cook as you ran to your room to change. Throwing on a comfy f/c sweater, and some grey joggers, you ran back down stairs to check on your pizza rolls, you saw they weren't done yet and went to the living room. You sat on the couch and just threw a random show on and went on your phone, scrolling through twitter mindlessly.

Soon you heard the air fryer ding, letting you know 'hey your foods done dickhead', you set your phone face down on the coffee table and got up. You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a paper plate, taking the air fryer bowl (idk what its called) out and dumping the food onto the plate. You grabbed your plate and walked out, back to the living room, and sitting on the couch. You watched the show as you waited for your food to cool off enough so you don't burn your mouth.


Soon enough it was 10pm, you got up, phone and remote in hand and went to the front door, you locked all of the locks. Slowly making your way to the back door you turned the tv off, walking up to the back door you saw a slight glimpse of blurred brown. You shrugged it off as a deer, you were close to the woods and it'd make sense for a deer to be looking for food, you locked the locks on that door and made your way up to your room. Throwing yourself on your bed you got under the covers and plugged your phone in, you curled up and got comfortable. Slowly but surely you drifted into a dreamless sleep, watching the backs of your eyelids.

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