Chapter 3

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Quick little a/n, i wont be updating for a few days after this. Im doing some personal things with my family, so i wont have my laptop to write on considering i write here and on ao3, phone is just gonna be irritating. okay on with the chapter!! :3c enjoy<3


When you woke up you checked your phone, looking at the time. 8:24am, you decided that was a good enough time to get up and get ready for the day, you stretch and let a weird gremlin noise. Sitting up you rub your eyes, rubbing the tired out (or trying to), getting up you grab your phone and some clothes to shower. Grabbing clean underwear and an outfit you shuffle into the bathroom, still tired you set the clothes on the sink counter and start the shower. Letting the shower heat up you run downstairs and start some (hot chocolate/coffee) for you to get when you're out of the shower and ready for it, you quickly run back up and close the bathroom door. Stripping down you threw some music on to shower with, you checked the water to make sure that it was the right temperature for you, adjusting as you feel the temperature.


After your, well needed, and nice shower you skip downstairs to grab the (hot chocolate/coffee) you had made. It was still hot thankfully and you added (marshmallows/ice, creamer, and sugar/creamer and sugar/nothing) then sipped on it, sighing as you enjoyed the drink you decided to doordash food for breakfast. Not really wanting to cook today, you went out and sat on your front porch. Business people, store owners and more were already driving around. You set the drink on the table next to you and pulled your phone out, turning it on and unlocking it you decided to order some toast, bacon, and hashbrowns for breakfast. Silently waiting after placing the doordash order you sat watching the animals roam, the drivers road rage and the crackheads beg for money for more crack. Sipping your drink you just watched, waving to your neighbors when they leave their houses and laughing at the road ragers. Nothing really eventful is going to happen this morning but you never know, it could be eventful.

Soon enough you get a notification that your food as been picked up, the drivers name is Brian T. You mentally noted it, and just scrolled twitter, giggling at the funny things on your timeline, soon enough he pulled up with your food. He got out with the bag in hand and walked up, "Y/n L/n?" he asked, you nodded and took it, "Thank you" you thanked the man as he walked off, grabbing your drink you walked inside and grabbed silverware and went to the couch. Sitting down you threw the news on to see the forecast and some other shit you watch, opening the container with your food you basically started drooling. You hadn't realized how hungry you had gotten until you seen the food, digging in you look up every few bites to watch the news. Nothing interesting was really playing on the news but, hey, at least it background noise so you aren't eating in silence like a weirdo.
Finishing your food you got up with the tray and silverware in hand, you walked to the kitchen. Throwing away the trash and putting the silverware in the sink you went to the living room again, you grabbed your phone and checked the time. 12:31pm, you decided to get a few things for dinner tonight since the store wasn't that far from your house. As you went to your room you shoulder checked the wall, slowly turning to the wall you glared at it, soon you turned around and continued walking, as soon as you were by your dresser you pulled out socks and slipped them on. Running downstairs again you grabbed your house keys, you went to the front door and slid some slides on not wanting to bother with shoes, you opened your door and walked our. Closing and locking the door behind you, you started your journey.


Walking into the store you see a cashier talking with two people, a brunette, a blonde, and a ravenette. The blonde and ravenette looked familiar, but you shrugged it off walking to get what you needed. You debated on making goulash or parmesan chicken, you decided parmesan chicken since it was a little easier. Walking over to the dairy isle you grabbed some cheese, you had the chicken at home but you needed the sauce and seasonings since you were running low. You weren't like those white bitches(me 2) that season their pink ass chicken with salt and pepper, you actually got seasonings for chicken. Walking over to the seasonings you caught a glimpse of the conversation the three up front were having, "No toby, were not getting that-- we wouldn't have a usage for it anyways." one said, a deeper voice than you expected. "Oh cuh-come onnnnnn- I knuh-know Brian would like it, look at huh-him!" another one said, it seemed they all know each other. "sigh Brian.. do you want the stupid speaker?" the deep voiced man asked, silence. A coy "please" could be heard, with context clues and your smart brain you figured Brian was the one to say that, and the one with the tics, which is what you could assume his kind of stutter was, was Toby. "Suh-mfhh-see! I told you Ti-tih-hhh-Tim!!" Toby shouted in victory, you grabbed the spices you needed and went back to grab the sauce, after you had grabbed the sauce you walked up to the cash register and set everything down, waiting patiently (no you weren't, you wanted to get home).

Toby looked over and walked up, twitching and ticking, he scanned your items, "Double bagged?" he asked, the tone in his voice conveying 'get me the fuck out of here', you understood it, you had that same tone too once or twice while working. You just quickly nodded and watched the boy put another bag on the first bag, you paid and grabbed your bag. "Want a receipt?" he asked once again, you shook your head and walked off "Have a nice day!", you called out whilst walking out. Sighing as you got out of that heavy, plastic smelling store, you started your walk home once again.


It was now late at night, you were just finishing up dinner, adding the finishing seasonings and all. Smiling you grabbed your plate with a fork and knife and went to the living room, throwing on some random horror movie and eating while watching. You cut into the chicken and ate the piece, doing the little 'hatahatahatahata' thing, considering it was fresh out of the oven. You just let the food cool a bit before devouring it, after you had finished eating you went and put the plate in the sink with the fork and knife, turning the kitchen light off and shimmying your way into the living room, you locked all doors. 'Not trying to get robbed today no sir.' you thought while turning the tv off, walking upstairs phone in had you shuffled into your room. Changing into some comfortable clothes, then throwing yourself on your bed, you got comfy and plugged your phone in. Curling up to get more comfortable you drifted off to sleep.

&quot;Until death claims our souls&quot; // Timothy Wright/Masky x readerWhere stories live. Discover now