Chapter 5

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Im actually so sorry dude. like deadass i havent had motivation and ive had writers block,.... enjoy :') we'll be seeing more of Tim, Brian, and Toby soon dw :3


Sighing, you decided to finally get out of the shower. Turning the water off and stepping out, grabbing your towel and drying off. As you sat there drying off you decided to call Ash to check in on him since you hadn't talked to him since he dropped you off, and you were starting to get worried seeing as he hadn't texted you saying he was home like he normally did. You picked up your phone, unlocking it and pressing opening yours contacts, scrolling through to find his number. Once you found it you tapped on his number and called him. The phone rings for awhile before going to voicemail, "Huh, that's weird, he always answers even if he's driving", you try calling him again, hoping he would answer this time. As it goes to voicemail for a second time you decided to try and call Maya, his girlfriend. You swipe down some more to her number and call her, thankfully she answered. "hey y/n what's up?" Maya asked, confused as to why y/n was calling her since she thought Ash was with her. "Hey, is Ash with you at all? he isn't answering his phone and I'm starting to get worried." You silently prayed that she would say he was while you waited for her answer.

"No, I thought he was still with you, is everything okay? what's going on?" She says starting to get worried. "He drove off shortly after I got inside and I haven't heard from him yet. I'm gonna go and see if I can find him.. don't worry, ill keep you updated on what's going on." You told maya, trying to calm her down a bit, you didn't want her to worry more than she should. "Okay thank you, ill let you know if he comes back while you're out looking for him." She said, hoping he had just stopped somewhere on his way home. "Thank you, I'm heading out here in a minute, ill keep you updated." You both said a quick goodbye before hanging up, you quickly put on some clothes and a pair of shoes before walking out your house, making sure to lock it behind you.

As you walked down the street looking at the places he possibly could've stopped at on the way to his house before you seen what looked like a nasty hit and run. You being you went over and started to investigate, upon closer inspection you realized that was Ash's truck and your heart dropped. You quickly ran over, there was still people gathered around it so it obviously didn't happen too long ago. You asked a few of the people there if they had seen him in there or if he was taken to the hospital already but they had said that there wasn't anyone there when they ran up to make sure everyone was alright. You felt panic coursing through your veins, 'Asher was hit.. and vanished. that wouldn't happen. never in a million years' you thought. Staring at the scene in front of you, you tried to gain context clues. The other vehicle was gone, but without a doubt damaged. whispering small 'fuck's and 'shit's in German you finally called Maya. She picked up, "Hey, any news?" she asked. You let out a shaky breath, trying to compose yourself. You didn't want her to panic at all, but it was inevitable.

"Ash was in a hit and run. He and the driver are missing.. I don't know where he is or where he went.. I asked everyone that gathered around and they didn't see him either" you said. All you heard from her side was silence, then a small sob. "Hey- hey hey, we'll find him.. it's okay" you said, trying to soothe the crying girl on the other end. It didn't seem to help much, her boyfriend *was* missing after being in a harsh car crash. 'Was he picked up by the person who crashed into him and taken to the hospital' you ask yourself in your head, it is possible that person didn't want to be responsible. Probably trying to lie and say they found him laying there, you shook your head. "I'll keep looking.. alright?" you said to Maya, she let out a small okay and hung up. Rubbing your face you start walking away, going a different direction. Not sure where you were headed, just wanting to search. You knew to look for a busted up vehicle, and any glimpses of Ash anywhere.


After searching for hours you sighed, walking around Detroit at night was never a smart move. So you started heading home, you would search more tomorrow. As you walked passed some woods, using google maps to get home. You were in an unknown area, not sure how far you had traveled till you seen the distance. You had walked at least an hour or two away from home, a reasonable walk. Your best friend went missing after a hit and run, you were scared. You wanted to find him, but it didn't work. You had felt eyes on you the whole time, but deemed it your anxiety as you walked alone. You were a woman, walking through Detroit, alone, at dusk. Of course you'd be paranoid and anxious until you arrived home, it wasn't safe to walk at night. Continuing to follow maps you kept looking over your shoulders, and into the woods. You've passed these woods a few times and had never felt like this, you shivered a bit at the thought of someone watching you.

Your pace quickened, you wanted to get away from there as fast as you could. For all you knew it could be some crazed crack head that was about to rob you, though you had nothing but your phone on you. Maybe they would do worse, but you tried to shove that thought away. You started playing a music, making sure it wasn't too loud to disturb anyone sitting outside.


As you got home you unlocked your door, then opened it. Stepping in and slipping your shoes off, now that your adrenalin had worn off, you felt your feet throbbing. You had walked for hours non-stop today so you understood, you closed and locked your door again then slipped upstairs. Grabbing clothes and a towel for a bath, you grabbed some bath salts to pair with the bath. Hoping the bath would calm your shot nerves, you walked into the bathroom. Turning the tap on you fiddled with the temperature, trying to get it just right. Closing the bathroom door out of habit then stripping you poured a bit of the salts in, then slipped your body in. Relaxing into the water you had heard a few noises from downstairs, but you shrugged them off. You just figured it was your anxiety from what had happened during the day, you were hearing things. Dipping your head underwater to wet your hair/face you quickly sat back up, sighing a sigh of relief. You kept hearing noises here and there but you ignored them after a while, you blamed it on your anxiety and the house being old.

After the bath you stepped out, wrapping the towel around your body. You stared into the mirror, seeing your puffy eyebags and slightly tired eyes. You took that as a sign to dry off and get dressed, so you did just that. Once you were dressed you went to your room and threw your clothes in the dirty clothes basket. You went back to the bathroom and let the tub drain, before hanging your towel up. You turned the bathroom light off then went back to your room, then slipped into your bed. Getting comfortable you plugged your phone in then rolled over, slowly drifting into a anxiety filled sleep.

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