Aether x Reader: Comfort

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TW: yelling, mentions of abuse, panic attack

"I ask you to do one thing, and you can't even do that. How stupid must you be to mess up a simple paper? The files for this month are now unorganized thanks to your laziness and lack of common sense," Sister Imperator scolded, "Honestly ___, you are the biggest failure this ministry has produced. If it weren't for your connections, I would've had you put out YEARS ago. Right now, I can't even stand to look at your pathetic face. Get out of my office. Now!" 

You quickly left her office, feeling your chest tighten and hot tears stream down your face. You walked quickly back to your room, collapsing on your bed as your chest tightened and your breathing ability decreased. You were prone to getting attacks like these, especially after getting yelled at for something you couldn't control. The childhood flashbacks flooded your mind, and suddenly you were in the corner of your room, hugging your knees to your chest. You felt a million emotions: fear, sadness, anger, anxiety, panic. The only thing you could do now was wait it out. You felt your body go numb, losing your ability to speak. You tried to do breathing exercises Aehter taught you, but to no avail; they didn't work. Your body's trembling became fiercer. You had lost control of your thoughts, breathing, and actions. You hated your father for causing these attacks, yet you still believed you deserved it. If only you had been stronger, braver. No.

You tried to shake away those thoughts, but they kept coming back. As you tried to regulate your breathing, you heard your door creak open, and a voice spoke, "____, are you in here? I heard cries and wanted to make sure you were okay." You recognized the voice to be Rain's. As Rain stepped further into your room, he saw you huddled in the corner, shaking. "Oh my god, ____, are you alright?!" He whisper-yelled so as not to frighten you even more. "Get Aether." Is all you managed to squeak out. He nodded and ran out of your room. 

Moments later, Aether was at your side, pulling you into his chest. "Hey, hey, it's okay. You're okay. I've got you. I won't let anyone hurt you. Breathe with me, okay?" you nodded. "Breathe in 1...2...3...4... Hold 1...2...3...4... Breathe out 1...2...3...4... Good job, you're doing so good, I'm so proud of you. Let's do that again. Breathe in 1...2...3...4... Hold 1...2...3...4... Breathe out 1...2...3...4..." After a few more rounds of breathing, you felt yourself regain control of your body. You began to breathe normally, and your trembling subsided. Aether felt your body calm down, "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked quietly. 

You nodded softly, taking a deep breath, "Sister called me into her office because she needed to speak with me. Apparently, I had made a few mistakes on some really important papers, and she went off on me. Saying things like I lack common sense and I'm lazy and how if it were up to her, she would've put me out years ago. But the papers she was talking about weren't the ones I worked on, but she was yelling so much I couldn't speak. Hell, I couldn't have spoken even if I wanted to since my chest was so tight. All I could do was stand there and take her yelling, which then brought back some not-so-good childhood shit, and I kind of just spiraled." While you told Aether everything, he stroked your hair and rubbed your arms. Once you finished, he spoke, "I am so sorry you had to go through that alone. I'm so sorry I wasn't here. She had no right to treat you that way. I hope you know that this isn't your fault. And if it were up to me, I would've had her put out a few years ago," He said, earning a laugh from you at his last sentence. "There's that smile I love so much." You blushed and hid your face in your palms, "Come on, let's go get your face all cleaned up," He said, getting up and leading you to the bathroom. You sat on the sink and watched him wet a washcloth and gently dabbed your face. Wiping away any dried tears and snot that had been stuck on your face. After being satisfied with his work, he gently kissed your lips, "Do you want to watch a movie?" You nodded, "I'd like that" He picked you up bridal style and laid down on the bed. His arms wrap around you protectively. He let you choose the movie, and you decided on Jackass since it was your favorite. While watching the movie, Aether whispered in your ear, "Fuck Sister Imperator, you are the hardest-working individual I've ever known. I'm so lucky to call you mine. I love you ___" You turned to face him, "Fuck Sister. I love you too, Aeth." He kissed you softly, "You, my dear, are everything to me." 

You spent the rest of the night intertwined with each other, never letting go. Not even once

word count: 861

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