Headcanon: Flying with the ghouls

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-Would pretend to know the ins and outs of the airport only to get the group lost and almost cause you to miss your flight, to which Aether had to put one of those kiddie backpacks with the leash on him 

-Complains about how airport food is expensive but then spends $40 on snacks 

-Will sleep on either you or Rain the entire flight

-Has a fear of flying but wouldn't dare to tell anyone


-Will wear only pajamas saying, "If I'm going to be stuck on a metal box thousands of feet in the air, I want to be comfy." 

-Tries to sneak food in through security, but they find it and throw it out 

- Had to pay extra for his bag because he overpacked...........again


-The only organized one 

-Makes sure everyone's ticket is correct and that everyone has their passport 

-Keeps Sodo from running off with his leash backpack 

-Packs snacks that can go through security, unlike a certain someone 


-Packs so many pillows and blankets in his carry-on, which he hands out to the other ghouls 

-Has one of those neck pillow things 

-Sodo immediately falls asleep on him 

-Helps Aether with everyone's bags 


-He can sense Sodo's anxiety and sends mental notes to calm him down

-If he has the window seat and there is a kid in his row with their parents, he will give his window seat to the kid and parents so they can watch 

-Watches the plane on the tracker 


-LOVES flying 

-Takes like 3 of Rain's blankets and makes a little cacoon for herself 

-Watches "Titanic" every. single. time. 


-Downloads all of her music beforehand so she can listen to it on the plane 

-Uses the bathroom before getting on the plane because she's afraid the planes toilet will suck her in

-Will eat 20 packets of the pretzel packs the flight attendants give her


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