Rain x Reader: Sneaking Out

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Every full moon, you and Rain had a tradition of sneaking out of the Ministry and going either star gazing or swimming. This night was no different; you and Rain had planned this trip since the last full moon. You both wanted to make it special since Rain was leaving in a few days for tour. Rain suggested you go swimming since the forecast said it would be a warm night and clear skies. The only other person that knew about your monthly endeavors was Sodo. If anything were to happen, he would know where you guys were. 

You sighed happily, throwing a tee shirt and shorts on underneath your navy blue swimsuit, "I can't believe this is gonna be our last sneak for four months." The tour would be extended since it was their first one back since Covid. 

"I know, Dovey, but it won't be long before we can do this again." Rain replied

"You're going to be gone for 4 months! How will I ever survive this!" you joked, flailing around dramatically.

Rain chuckled at your dramatics, "I promise to call you every night and every morning and right before I go on and right when I get off." 

"Alright," you sighed, checking the time, "Oh, it's 9:00. We should get going. Make sure to text Sodo and let him know we are leaving." 

"Already on it," Raid said, grabbing the extra towels and picnic basket.

You quietly walked out of your shared room, Rain following closely behind. The moonlight cast a faint glow on the Ministry halls. Once you reached the end of the ghoul wing, you peeked your head out to ensure the coast was clear. You gestured for Rain to keep walking while you made your way to the rear exit. You slowly opened the door just enough to allow yourself and Rain to slip out. Once you and Rain were out, you closed the door but left a small rock in the frame so you could go back in. You and Rain have been to this particular spot many times, and each time you return, it is almost as if you never left. 

Your spot wasn't too far from the Ministry but far enough that you had to walk for a few minutes. It was a huge cliff that had a small but deep lake underneath. The cliff itself was mainly flat, with some bigger rocks scattered around. You and Rain always cuddled on those rocks after your swim. 

As you were walking, you couldn't help but think about your life without  Rain. He was your entire world, the reason you woke up, and now you wouldn't be able to see him for four months. You were snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of Rain's voice, "Earth to ____. We're here!" 

"Oh yeah, my bad, I was just lost in thought," you chuckled. 

"Alright." Rain sighed, "I got all of our stuff set up. Are you ready to go swimming?"

"Yes, lovey," you said, taking off your cover-ups. 

As soon as they were off, you ran off the cliff's edge, landing in the water below with a large splash. You were just about to look up when you heard another splash about 2 feet to your left. You turn and see Rain swimming up from the bottom. "WOOO! That never gets old!" He yelled. You giggle and swim toward him; he turns to face you, your faces centimeters apart. You wrap your arms around his neck, your legs around his torso, and bury your face into the crook of his neck. "I'm gonna miss you," you mumbled, 

"I'm gonna miss you too," His arms snaking around your waist, bringing you closer to him, "I'm gonna miss you so much."

You stayed like that for a few minutes, accepting each other's embrace. The comfortable silence washed over the two of you. You slowly lifted your head from his neck to look into his eyes. Your hands found their way to his hair as you pull him in for a passionate but gentle kiss. 

His hands rubbed up and down your waist, as you hummed into the kiss. You slowly pulled away and rested your forehead upon his. "I love you." Rain whispered, "I love you too." You responded. 

Rain looked down at your hands, "You're all waterlogged; let's get out and eat some of the food I made," 

"Alright," you agreed. 

Rain swam back to shore with you still attached to his waist. When you attempted to detach yourself from him, he stopped you, "Here, let me carry you the rest of the way up," You giggled and nodded. 

When you finally reached the top of the cliff again, Rain set you down and wrapped you in a large towel, then wrapped himself. You went into the basket you brought and pulled out an assortment of cold cuts, crackers, fruit, dips, vegetables, and nuts. You hummed in delight, placing a few pieces of everything on a plate and handing them to Rain. He grabbed the plate and sat down behind you, pulling you into his chest, "I'm so happy to be here right now, with you." you sighed contently, "Me too, Rainy," 

At that point, it was now 3:00 am, "It's getting late; we should head back before anyone wakes up," Rain spoke. 

"Okay," you said, checking the time, "Yeah, it is late. Lets get going." 

The walk back to the ministry was silent, but not an awkward silence. Rather a content, happy silence. As soon as you got back to your room undetected, you changed out of your cover-ups and into a tee shirt and a pair of Rain's pjama pants. You slid in bed next to Rain and he immediately pulled you into his chest and started playing with your hair. 

"Goodnight my raindrop," You mumbled into his chest, 

"Goodnight dove," He sighed, closing his eyes. 

word count: 983

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