Chap 13

370 14 2

Hey! STATES TODAY!!!!!! Ugh so nervous! I'm typing this on the way there too so that can make it better because I'm so nervous! Blah! I want to do good (: I'm gonna write now. SUPERMAN LETS GO!!!!!!!¡


*Lexi's POV*

I thought Liam was the good one, the nice one...I guess I was wrong. No one can be trusted. No one loves me. I'm hated and that's official.

I decided to go back to my flat and write some poems and maybe sing a bit. People say I can sing but only one person has heard me sing...that person is gone. His name was David.


"Come on!" David can be persistent when I actually talk to him.

"Never, now just drop me off at school you arse!" Ugh. He's ruining my day. I like to be quiet and people need to mind their own business.

"Fine. Do you want me to tell Delvin" Oh shiz, if he tells Delvin ill be dead because who knows what he might say.

"What song?" He smirks "The A Team"

(A/N: so I don't bore you with lyrics) I sing naturally because I really didn't want to try and if I was noticeably trying to sound bad I might've gotten beaten.

"Whoa." His jaw was dropped. He actually looked normal.

"What?" We pulled up to the school but before he could say anything I was dragged out by my hair and thrown to the ground just to be gang raped again...for the 3rd time this week.

David didn't do anything, he just watched. He never does anything.

No one does.

-End of flashback-

I guess that's life though. Disappoint and failure, sometimes there is that happy moment that makes you feel all the joy you've ever experienced but usually it washes away.

I walk past Liam roughly hitting his shoulder. "I'm going" I didn't want him to see me cry, or even worse...cut. I know I haven't cut in a whole but I've given up. Alicia can't do anything now, she won't find out. I will make sure she won't.

Alicia sees me but I ignore her worry. I ignore them all, they probably don't even care, just trying to make sure the Earth doesn't lose any people. I'm just filling up space anyway, they could use better friends, friends that aren't in eternal pain.

I get to our flat and the door was already unlocked. I fumbled inside and quickly rushed to the bathroom. When I reach it I grab the pen and piece of paper I've been saving.

I wrote:

'Will you cry when I'm gone?'

'You've helped, but I'm gone

The pain will never stop now

Dead. I tried to live'

I landed the paper down and went over to lock the door. Once the door was locked and I found my razor, I grabbed the paper and laid it on my lap.

Now or never. I chose now.

The razor cut my wrist and I watched the blood seep out. It's sort of like a movie.

I guess I should go a little deeper. The razor didn't work too well so I grab scissors. I deeply cut my wrist and a major amount of blood flowed out.

My eyes started to flutter shut.

I guess it's time I leave Earth.

Blackness comes over me and I'm finally in peace.



don't worry this isn't the end!

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Love y'all!!! 😘 Lol! MWA

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