Chapter Four.

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That night, Ugetsu found himself seated outside the clan house alongside Hiruzen, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of a lantern casting a warm light over the scene. The rhythmic clinking of shogi pieces echoed through the quiet night as the two engaged in a strategic battle of intellect. Ugetsu's eyes were focused and sharp as he analyzed each move Hiruzen made, his mind working to anticipate his adoptive father's strategies.

As the game progressed, a moment of silence hung in the air, broken by Hiruzen's voice. "I heard from Kakashi that you gave up your food for your friend. That's kind of you to do that," he remarked, his tone filled with a mixture of admiration and curiosity.

Ugetsu nodded, his gaze fixed on the shogi board. "I was prepared for the punishment," he replied, his voice calm and measured. "Assuming that it wouldn't be as severe as the ones I endured back in the Hidden Mist."

The atmosphere around them seemed to grow heavier, laden with unspoken thoughts and emotions. Ugetsu broke the silence, his words hesitant yet filled with genuine curiosity. "Kakashi sensei showed us the stone today," he began, his eyes searching for answers. "The one with the names of special heroes carved upon it."

Hiruzen's gaze softened as he listened, understanding the weight of Ugetsu's unspoken question. "I was wondering..." Ugetsu continued, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "One day, if there's ever a war... is there any possibility to save everyone that I love?"

Hiruzen took a moment to collect his thoughts, his eyes meeting Ugetsu's as he contemplated his response. The sound of a shogi piece being moved filled the brief silence. "You can't save everyone that you love, Ugetsu," Hiruzen finally replied, his voice carrying a touch of sadness. "In shogi terms, our home, the future generation, is the king. Meanwhile, you, my boy, and your friends are the knights."

Ugetsu's brow furrowed as he processed Hiruzen's words, the weight of their implications settling upon him. "And what does the knight do?" Hiruzen inquired, his tone gentle yet laden with wisdom.

"To protect the king," Ugetsu replied, his voice tinged with realization. "Does that mean... Big brother... Kakashi sensei... and you are the sacrificial pieces?"

Hiruzen nodded, his gaze filled with a mixture of pride and sorrow. "Yes, that's right," he confirmed, his voice laced with wisdom earned through years of experience. "In this Shinobi world, there's a lower chance that you can save everyone you love. But with every sacrifice made, greater things can be achieved. That's how the world works."

The weight of Hiruzen's words settled upon Ugetsu, his mind spinning with newfound understanding. As he made his next move on the shogi board, he couldn't help but contemplate the profound truth behind his father's words. The game of shogi served as a metaphor for the intricacies of life and the sacrifices required in the pursuit of protecting those they held dear.





The days passed, and Team 7 found themselves engaged in various missions assigned by the Third Hokage. While they were crucial tasks for the village, Ugetsu couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration that he wasn't participating in the more significant missions his older brother once undertook. However, he recognized the importance of starting from the basics and was determined to make the most of each assignment.

"This is Sasuke, at point B," Sasuke's voice echoed through the communication devices, his tone focused and resolute.

"Sakura, I'm at point C," Sakura replied, her voice carrying a sense of determination and readiness.

"Ugetsu, at point D," Ugetsu's voice chimed in, a mix of anticipation and a desire to prove himself.

"Naruto, I'm at point A. Believe it," Naruto's voice rang out, brimming with unwavering confidence.

Kakashi's voice came through the microphone, admonishing Naruto with a touch of amusement. "You're slow, Naruto. Okay, Team 7, the target has moved. Follow it," he commanded, his words prompting the genin to spring into action.

The four young ninja stealthily maneuvered through the surroundings, skillfully concealing themselves behind trees, their eyes unwaveringly focused on the elusive target. As they positioned themselves at strategic distances from the target, they awaited Kakashi's signal.

When Kakashi finally gave the signal, the team surged forward as a unified force, their determination propelling them toward their objective. Naruto, driven by his competitive spirit, was the first to reach the target and secure it within his grasp. The rest of the team swiftly converged around him, sharing in the victory.

"Sensei!" Ugetsu's voice echoed with genuine excitement. "We got the cat!"

Kakashi's voice resonated through the communication devices, his inquiry cutting through the air. "Can you verify a red ribbon on its right ear?"

"We have a positive ID," Sasuke affirmed, his voice steady and confirming the successful completion of the mission.

"Alright, lost pet Tora captured. Mission accomplished!" Kakashi announced, his tone filled with a sense of satisfaction and achievement. Amidst the celebration, Tora, the cat, became restless, scratching playfully at Naruto's face, causing a momentary uproar.

"Naruto, watch out!" Sakura exclaimed, concerned for her teammate's well-being.

While Naruto grumbled in annoyance at the mischievous feline, Ugetsu skillfully caught Tora as Naruto tossed the cat his way. Ugetsu's eyes softened as he held the cat gently in his arms, cooing softly and stroking its fur. Tora responded with a contented purr, melting Ugetsu's heart.

"Tora-chwan, you're so cute," Ugetsu whispered affectionately to the cat, his voice filled with genuine adoration.

Meanwhile, Naruto shot a glare at the cat, his dislike for felines evident. "I hate cats," he muttered under his breath, his competitive spirit momentarily overshadowed by his aversion to the mischievous creature.

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