Chapter 3

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"Here we are," Narcissa smiled as she and her three kids stared at the train in front of them

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"Here we are," Narcissa smiled as she and her three kids stared at the train in front of them. "This is it I guess," She looked at the three with a sad smile on her face.

"Yeah, Bye Mum," Cynthia spoke quickly as she disappeared to join the other third years, leaving her brothers behind.

"Yeah, I'll see you," Draco was the next to disappear, clearly upset that Lucius couldn't make it to see them off.

Y/n rolled his eyes, he knew Draco and his father were much closer but that wasn't a good reason to just leave like that and he could see that his mother was also hurting so he hugged her. "I'm going to miss you," He told her as he watched his mother smile at him before kneeling to be at eye level with him.

"You are going to do wonderful," Narcissa spoke as she adjusted his collar. "Whether you are in Slytherin like Draco wants to be or in Gryffindor like your sister, hell even if you end up in one of the other two, you will be amazing,"

"Thank you," Y/n looked at his mom, his expression softening as he did. "Thank you for not expecting me to be a soldier," Y/n thought about everything Draco told him that their father wanted, wanted Draco to prove why the Malfoy name is superior to all others.

"Of course, sweety," Narcissa smiled as she kissed him on the cheek. "And thank you," She looked at the confused look on her son's face. "Thank you for giving me a chance to be your mother,"

"Mum," Y/n groaned as he rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile as he grabbed his stuff. "I better get on board, I'll miss you," Y/n mentioned again as he glanced at the train again.

"I guess you should," She stood up as she watched her son approach the door, boarding as he turned to face her one more time. "No matter what, please never lose your sense of loyalty and belief," She smiled at him as she waved, and Y/n returned her smile with a nod before waving and walking deeper onto the train.

Y/n walked for a moment before finding an empty compartment as he threw his bags under his seat before sitting down. "Oh, sorry," A voice called out as Y/n turned to the door to find a boy standing there.

"Nonsense," Y/n called out as the boy turned to leave. "You can join me, it's large enough," Y/n smiled as the boy stared at him for a moment.

"Thanks," He walked into the room and sat across from Y/n. "Harry Potter," He extended his hand with a nervous smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n," Avoiding giving his last name out, that was the plan until he reached Hogwarts and a teacher called him. "First year?" Y/n asked as he leaned back into the chair.

"Yeah, you?" Harry asked the boy, smiling when Y/n nodded before turning to face the window once more. The room was filled with silence for some time as both boys stared out the window, each in their own world of thoughts.

"Excuse me," A voice caused both boys to snap their heads at the entrance where a ginger-haired boy stood. "Do you mind?" He asked as he motioned to the chair. "Everywhere else is full," He added as he shifted his gaze between the two boys.

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