Chapter 6

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In the dimly lit Slytherin Common Room, Y/n was engrossed in the pages of "Enchantment through the Ages," a book that had captivated his attention after Hermione had given it a glowing review

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In the dimly lit Slytherin Common Room, Y/n was engrossed in the pages of "Enchantment through the Ages," a book that had captivated his attention after Hermione had given it a glowing review. His keen eyes followed the text, diving into the magical world of ancient charms and forgotten spells.

Draco's mocking voice interrupted his concentration, causing Y/n to lift his gaze with a quirked eyebrow. Draco and his two lackeys stood before him, a self-satisfied grin plastered on Draco's face.

"I see you are spending a lot of time with those kinds," Draco chuckled, gesturing vaguely towards Gryffindor house.

"Excuse me?" Y/n retorted, his voice laced with a touch of sarcasm, before returning his focus to his book.

"Those Gryffindor idiots," Draco continued, his laughter joined by Crabbe and Goyle. But Y/n was having none of it.

He stood up with a certain aura of authority, his voice carrying a biting edge. "First off, the two of you," Y/n glanced at the larger students behind Draco. "You two shouldn't be laughing and, in fact, I suggest going for a run or something. What are you doing? Trying to replace the moon? I've seen Trolls eat less than you two," he chided, not a hint of fear in his tone.

"In fact, keep this up, and one of you will be feeding an entire family of trolls for a month," Y/n concluded with a raised eyebrow, daring them to challenge him further.

Draco seemed amused by Y/n's response, as if he had been waiting for this side of his brother to surface. "And there he is," Draco smiled, signaling his lackeys to calm down. "The cold heartless boy, I was wondering how long it would take for him to show up."

"Were you now?" Y/n took a step closer towards his brother, towering a few inches above him. "And why's that?"

"Because this Gryffindor wanna-be is so boring," Draco playfully placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder as he smirked. "Now, what are your plans with that lot?"

"Would you look at the time, I should be on my way," Y/n walked past, casually shoving the two lackeys out of his way as he made his exit. "You should know that this is your first and final warning to be careful around them, dear brother," Y/n called out as he left the Common Room.

As Y/n wandered through the castle, unsure of his destination, he eventually found himself in the library. However, he couldn't focus on the books this time, as he heard a familiar voice nearby.

"You are a handful, you know that?" Cynthia's playful voice echoed, followed by a light slap. Unbeknownst to her, Y/n was eavesdropping on her conversation with someone else.

"And what do we have here?" Y/n's voice interrupted, making Cynthia squeal and spin around. "Who might you be?" He playfully eyed the tall boy with a Hufflepuff tie.

"Um, hi, I'm Cedric Diggory," the boy introduced himself with a smile, extending his hand. "You're the infamous younger brother I've heard so much about."

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